Remark: The Organisers reserve the right to update or change the programme content, session and paper allocation without prior notice. Paper authors are recommended to check constantly the Conference Website to observe the latest programme and allocation of papers.
Keynote 4 Prof. Peter GUTHRIE, Professor, Engineering for Sustainable Development, University of Cambridge
Topic: Infrastructure, Resilience and Sustainable Development
Topic: Infrastructure, Resilience and Sustainable Development
Keynote 5 Prof. Thomas AUER, Managing Director & Founder, Transsolar; Professor, Building Technology and Climate Responsive Design, Technical University of Munich, Germany
Topic: Environmental Transformation of the Built Environment
Topic: Environmental Transformation of the Built Environment
Coffee Break
Parallel Session 5
Session 5.1: Regional Session – Canada, Brazil-Portugal, The Netherlands, Germany and Tallinn-Helsinki (Level 1 - Convention Hall)
Session Chair:

University of Minho, Portugal
University of Minho, Portugal
SBE16 Toronto

Harry Robert BACH
Secretary Treasurer, iiSBE Canada; Director and Treasurer, iiSBE International; Director and Treasurer, Sustainable Buildings Canada
Secretary Treasurer, iiSBE Canada; Director and Treasurer, iiSBE International; Director and Treasurer, Sustainable Buildings Canada
SBE16 Brazil-Portugal

Cristina Engel ALVAREZ
Professor/Coordinator, Laboratório de Planejamento e Projetos, Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, Brazil
Professor/Coordinator, Laboratório de Planejamento e Projetos, Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, Brazil
SBE16 Hamburg

Director, Centre for Real Estate; Head of Chair, Sustainable Management of Housing and Real Estate, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany
Director, Centre for Real Estate; Head of Chair, Sustainable Management of Housing and Real Estate, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany
SBE16 Tallinn-Helsinki

Coordinator, 10YFP Sustainable Buildings and Construction (SBC) Programme
Coordinator, 10YFP Sustainable Buildings and Construction (SBC) Programme
SBE16 Utrecht

Professor, University of Applied Sciences Utrecht
Professor, University of Applied Sciences Utrecht
Session 5.2 High Performance Buildings and Sustainable Neighbourhoods in Sweden (Level 1 - Theatre 1)
Session Organiser: Sweden Green Building Council
Session Chair:

CEO and Founding Chairman, Sweden Green Building Council; Member of the Board, World Green Building Council
CEO and Founding Chairman, Sweden Green Building Council; Member of the Board, World Green Building Council
Five Cases of Best Practice High-Performance Buildings in Sweden
Three Projects for Sustainable Neighbourhoods in Sweden
Q & A
Session 5.3: Smart Initiatives in SBE (1) (Level 3 - Theatre 2)
Session Chair:

Natalie ESSIG
University of Applied Sciences Munich, Germany
University of Applied Sciences Munich, Germany
The New Smart Cities | Cities Built from Scratch and Old Cities Transformed into Smart Cities. Sustainable Growth.

Ana Claudia Figueiredo OLIVEIRA
Lisbon Faculty of Architecture, Portugal
Lisbon Faculty of Architecture, Portugal
Enhanced Engineering Services for Electrical & Mechanical System via Integrated Building Management System, Remote Monitoring Unit, and Geographic Information System

LEE Che-kit
Chief Engineer, Electrical and Mechanical Services Department, Government of the HKSAR, Hong Kong SAR
Chief Engineer, Electrical and Mechanical Services Department, Government of the HKSAR, Hong Kong SAR
Decarbonising the City: Micro Energy Grids

Richard WANG
Sustainability Consultant, Arup, Hong Kong SAR
Sustainability Consultant, Arup, Hong Kong SAR
A Multi-disciplinary Approach in Developing Sustainable Built Environment: A Case Study in Hong Kong Kowloon East Development Project (KEDP)

Schuman LAM
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong SAR
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong SAR
Sy(e)nergies between Mega Event Buildings and the Surrounding Neighbourhoods

Munich University of Applied Sciences, Germany
Munich University of Applied Sciences, Germany
Session 5.4: Deep Renovations – Policies & Standards (Level 2 - S221)
Session Chair:

Kenneth CHAN
Director, BEAM Society Ltd., Hong Kong SAR
Director, BEAM Society Ltd., Hong Kong SAR
Small, Beautiful, Yet Difficult: Energy Plus Renovation in Small Social Housing Companies

Christian KOCH
Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden
Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden
Deep Renovation as Tool for Active Protection of Modern Heritage: The Case of Architecture for The Service Sector

Claudia CALICE
University of Rome, Italy
University of Rome, Italy
Future Challenges for Renovation as Experienced by Housing Companies

Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden
Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden
Integration of Sustainability Analyses into Business Models for Energy Renovation of Buildings: A Case Study in Norway

Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway
Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway
The Development and Practice of Existing Buildings Green Retrofitting in China

WANG Qingqin
China Academy of Building Research, Mainland China
China Academy of Building Research, Mainland China
Session 5.5: SBE Assessments – Green Building Policies (Level 2 - S222)
Session Chair:

Czech Technical University in Prague, University Centre for Energy Efficient Buildings, Czech Republic
Czech Technical University in Prague, University Centre for Energy Efficient Buildings, Czech Republic
From Research to a National Standard: SBTool and Protocollo ITACA

Andrea MORO
President, iiSBE Italia, Italy
President, iiSBE Italia, Italy
The Network for Sustainable Federal Building as an Instrument of Quality Assurance in the Implementation of the Assessment System BNB in the Public Sector

Andreas RIETZ
Head of Division Sustainable Building, Federal Institute for Research on Building, Urban Affairs and Spatial Development, Germany
Head of Division Sustainable Building, Federal Institute for Research on Building, Urban Affairs and Spatial Development, Germany
Competing Visions for Building Materials Assessment in US Green Building Certification Programs

Charles Joseph KIBERT
Professor-Center Director, University of Florida, United States of America
Professor-Center Director, University of Florida, United States of America
CESBA Alps, From Building to Territory: Together Towards a Harmonized Built Environment Assessment

Spatial Planner, Heimaten, Austria
Spatial Planner, Heimaten, Austria
LEED CS in Brazil: Discussing the Validity of the Method for the Improvement of Environmental Quality on Buildings

Monica Santos SALGADO
Professor, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Professor, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Session 5.6: Green Construction Technologies (2) (Level 2 - S224 & S225)
Session Chair:

Andrew LEUNG
Emeritus Professor, City University of Hong Kong; China Green Building (HK) Council, Hong Kong SAR
Emeritus Professor, City University of Hong Kong; China Green Building (HK) Council, Hong Kong SAR
Innovative Building Technologies Towards Sustainable Construction – A Comparative LCA and LCC Assessment

Alexander PASSER
Assistant Professor, Graz University of Technology, Austria
Assistant Professor, Graz University of Technology, Austria
A Peer-to-peer Reviewing Framework for Selecting Construction Material Suppliers Using the Integration of Building Information Modelling and Web-Map Service

NGUYEN Thanh-chuong
National Taiwan University, Taiwan
National Taiwan University, Taiwan
Improving the Sustainable Supply Chain of Housing Industrialization with Transaction Costs Considerations

Queen K QIAN
OTB Research Institute for the Built Environment, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
OTB Research Institute for the Built Environment, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
A Research Proposal to Improve the Environmental Performance of the Building Industry, by Increasing the Innovation Activity of Small Contractors

Timothy ROSE
Queensland University of Technology, Australia
Queensland University of Technology, Australia
Mongolia's First Cooperative Transformation Attempt on Built Environment through Greening Kindergarten Building

Nergui DORJ
Founder and BOD member, Mongolia Green Building Council, Mongolia
Founder and BOD member, Mongolia Green Building Council, Mongolia
Session 5.7: Innovations Driving for Greener Policies and Standards – Assessment, Analysis and Modelling (1) (Level 2 - S223)
Session Chair:

Guillaume HABERT
Professor, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Professor, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
European Horizontal Standardized Methods for the Assessment of the Sustainability Aspects of Construction Works

Senior Adviser, Confederation of Finnish Construction Industries, Finland
Senior Adviser, Confederation of Finnish Construction Industries, Finland
Life Cycle Energy and GHG Emissions Reductions of Retrofit Options for Existing Dwelling Stock

Enterprise Professor, University of Melbourne; Regional Director in Asia-Pacific, iiSBE; Founding Director, nBLue Pty Ltd
Enterprise Professor, University of Melbourne; Regional Director in Asia-Pacific, iiSBE; Founding Director, nBLue Pty Ltd
Renewable Energy Technologies - Economic Analysis Tool (RET-EAT) for Turkey

Oguz Kursat KABAKCI
Expert on Energy And Natural Resources, Ministry of Energy And Natural Resources, Turkey
Expert on Energy And Natural Resources, Ministry of Energy And Natural Resources, Turkey
Geo-dependent Heat Demand Model of the Swiss Building Stock

University of Geneva, Switzerland
University of Geneva, Switzerland
Quantitative Impact Assessment of SEAP Measures Implementation on Several Districts in the City of Donostia-San Sebastian

Researcher, Tecnalia Research & Innovation, Spain
Researcher, Tecnalia Research & Innovation, Spain
Session 5.8: Sustainable Neighbourhoods – Case Study Review (1) (Level 4 - S426 & S427)
Session Chair:

Ellie TANG
Head of Sustainability, New World Development Company Limited, Hong Kong SAR
Head of Sustainability, New World Development Company Limited, Hong Kong SAR
Learning from the lessons of Transit-oriented Development to Improve Urban Planning in China

Frederic Daniel DU VERLE
Urban Planner & Designer, Archimedialab, Germany / Mainland China
Urban Planner & Designer, Archimedialab, Germany / Mainland China
A Green Campus Master Plan - The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK)

FUNG Siu-man
Director of Campus Development, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR
Director of Campus Development, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR
Stepping Up to the Water-Energy Nexus Challenges at Tai Po Water Treatment Works

Jeffrey LAI Siu-ming
Engineer, Water Supplies Department, Government of the HKSAR, Hong Kong SAR
Engineer, Water Supplies Department, Government of the HKSAR, Hong Kong SAR
Development Strategies for the Green Industry in Pingtung County

KUO Wu-wei
Executive officer, Pingtung County Government, Taiwan
Executive officer, Pingtung County Government, Taiwan
Strategic Planning for Sustainable Neighbourhoods: A Case Study from Palestine

Professor of Civil Engineering, An-Najah National University, Palestine
Professor of Civil Engineering, An-Najah National University, Palestine
Session 5.9: Transforming Green Market – Green Economics (1) (Level 2 - S228)
Session Chair:

Research Director, Eco-business Research, Singapore
Research Director, Eco-business Research, Singapore
Stakeholders View on Commercial Benefits for Energy Neutral Refurbishment of Let Properties

Angela GRECO
Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
How a Changing Socioeconomic Context Affects the Demand for High-performance Buildings

Rutgers University, United States of America
Rutgers University, United States of America
Green Lease Insight – Integrated Approach

Executive Managing Director, Head of Asset Services, Asia Pacific, CBRE, RICS, Hong Kong SAR
Executive Managing Director, Head of Asset Services, Asia Pacific, CBRE, RICS, Hong Kong SAR
How Sustainable Planning Increases Real Estate Property Value

Prof. Serge SALAT
President, Urban Morphology and Complex Systems Institute, France
President, Urban Morphology and Complex Systems Institute, France
Responsible Investing in Green Buildings and Portfolios

Head of Asia Pacific, GRESB, Singapore
Head of Asia Pacific, GRESB, Singapore
Session 5.10: Zero Energy (Level 4 - S423 & S424)
Session Chair:

Head of the School of Property, Construction and Project Management (PCPM) and Deputy Pro Vice Chancellor International, RMIT University, Australia
Head of the School of Property, Construction and Project Management (PCPM) and Deputy Pro Vice Chancellor International, RMIT University, Australia
Achieving Net Zero Carbon: A Case Study of Hong Kong's First Zero Carbon Building

Justin LI
Assistant Director - Environmental & Sustainability, Construction Industry Council, Hong Kong SAR
Assistant Director - Environmental & Sustainability, Construction Industry Council, Hong Kong SAR
Life Cycle Greenhouse Gas Emissions of Material Use in the Living Laboratory

SINTEF, Norway
SINTEF, Norway
Paradoxical Feasibility of High-rise Zero Carbon Buildings

Associate Professor, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR
Associate Professor, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR
Studies of Energy-Efficient Measures and Building Integrated Photovoltaic Toward Net Zero Energy Building

LOU Siwei
City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR
City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR
Net Zero Energy Building Policy: Benchmarking Australian Practices Against Asia Pacific Countries

Deputy Head International and Co Lead UN 10YFP SBC Programme, RMIT University, Australia
Deputy Head International and Co Lead UN 10YFP SBC Programme, RMIT University, Australia
Session 5.11: Processes, Design, Tool and Methodologies in SBE (3) (Level 4 - S421)
Session Chair:

Japan GreenBuild Council, Japan
Japan GreenBuild Council, Japan
Assessing Sustainable Urban Densification Using Geographic Information Systems

M. Augusta HERMIDA
Professor, Universidad de Cuenca, Ecuador
Professor, Universidad de Cuenca, Ecuador
Traffic Quality Index to Intersections Considering Fuel Efficiency

Marta Monteiro da Costa CRUZ
Professor, Federal University of Espírito Santo, Brazil
Professor, Federal University of Espírito Santo, Brazil
A Simulation-Based Method to Assess 3D Urban Noise Environment in High-Density Cities

GUO Mengdi
The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR
The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR
Real Coded Quantum-Inspired Evolutionary Algorithm Applied to Sustainable Building

Researcher, Universidad Catolica San Pablo, Arequipa-Peru
Researcher, Universidad Catolica San Pablo, Arequipa-Peru
Sustainable Neighborhood Regeneration: Holistic Decision Support Methodology Supported by a Software Tool

Munich University of Applied Science, Germany
Munich University of Applied Science, Germany
Session 5.12: Occupants’ Evaluation of Green Buildings (Level 4 - S425)
Session Chair:

Professor, Delft University of Technology-Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment, The Netherlands
Professor, Delft University of Technology-Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment, The Netherlands
Users' Perceptions of Building Performance - An Analysis of the Occupants' Comments

Dr George BAIRD
Emeritus Professor of Building Science, Victoria University of Wellington
Emeritus Professor of Building Science, Victoria University of Wellington
Cooperative Research for High Performance Buildings

Herbert Claus LEINDECKER
University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria, Austria
University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria, Austria
The Role of Perceived Social and Physical Environments on Older Adults´Social Interactions

University of Melbourne, Australia
University of Melbourne, Australia
Every Breath We Take – Transforming The Health of China’s Office Space

WU Xuchao
Associate Director of Energy & Sustainability Services, JLL, Mainland China
Associate Director of Energy & Sustainability Services, JLL, Mainland China
President, PureLiving China, Mainland China
President, PureLiving China, Mainland China
Are Patterns of Use The Key to Resource Efficiency in Office Buildings?

Granlund Consulting, Finland
Granlund Consulting, Finland
Session 5.13: Stakeholder Collaboration (Level 2 - S226 & S227)
Session Chair:

Thomas NG
Professor (Construction Engineering and Management), The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR
Professor (Construction Engineering and Management), The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR
Green Management by Stakeholder Empowerment - The Hong Kong Housing Authority Experience

Deputy Director of Housing (Development & Construction), Hong Kong Housing Authority, Government of the HKSAR, Hong Kong SAR
Deputy Director of Housing (Development & Construction), Hong Kong Housing Authority, Government of the HKSAR, Hong Kong SAR
CoLLaboratoire Montreal: Living Experiments for Climate Change Awareness

Design and Computation Arts, Concordia University, University Research Chair IDEASBE, L.E.A.P, Canada
Design and Computation Arts, Concordia University, University Research Chair IDEASBE, L.E.A.P, Canada
Putting Regenerative Development into Action: Understanding the Decision-making Process of a 680 Hectares Regenerative Project

Dominique HES
Director – Thrive Research Hub, The University of Melbourne, Australia
Director – Thrive Research Hub, The University of Melbourne, Australia
Gamification as A Means to User Involvement in Decision-making Processes for Sustainable Buildings

Hanne Tine Ring HANSEN
Sustainability Engineer, Søren Jensen Consulting Engineers, Denmark
Sustainability Engineer, Søren Jensen Consulting Engineers, Denmark
Accelerating HKIA’s Carbon Footprint Reduction through Multi-stakeholder Engagement and its Potential for Multi-tenant Facilities

Acting General Manager, Sustainability, Airport Authority Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR
Acting General Manager, Sustainability, Airport Authority Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR
Session 5.14: Smart and Digital Transformation for Sustainable Living (Level 4 - S428)
Session Organiser: Sino Group
Session Chair:

Associate & East Asia Energy Skill Leader, Arup, Hong Kong SAR
Associate & East Asia Energy Skill Leader, Arup, Hong Kong SAR
Sino’s Smart Initiative

Eugene LEUNG
Director, Sino Investment
Director, Sino Investment
Artificial Intelligence in Built Environment
Samson TAI
CTO, IBM Hong Kong
CTO, IBM Hong Kong
Smart Eco Home - Project Moses

Andy ANN
CEO, NDN Group
CEO, NDN Group
Policy, Design, and People: Developing a Sustainable East Asia

Dr Vincent CHENG
Director of Building Sustainability, Arup, Hong Kong SAR
Director of Building Sustainability, Arup, Hong Kong SAR
Lunch Break
Parallel Session 6
Session 6.1: Regional Session – Australia, Mainland China, Singapore, South Korea and Philippines (Level 1 - Convention Hall)
Session Chair:

Enterprise Professor, University of Melbourne; Regional Director in Asia-Pacific, iiSBE; Founding Director, nBLue Pty Ltd
Enterprise Professor, University of Melbourne; Regional Director in Asia-Pacific, iiSBE; Founding Director, nBLue Pty Ltd
SBE16 Sydney

Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Built Environment, University of New South Wales, Australia
Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Built Environment, University of New South Wales, Australia
SBE16 Chongqing

Chongqing University
Chongqing University
SBE16 Singapore

Senior Manager, Green Building Research, Built Environment Research and Innovation Institute (BERII), Building and Construction Authority, Singapore
Senior Manager, Green Building Research, Built Environment Research and Innovation Institute (BERII), Building and Construction Authority, Singapore
SBE16 Seoul

SHIN Sungwoo
Division of Architecture and Architectural Engineering, Hanyang University ERICA
Division of Architecture and Architectural Engineering, Hanyang University ERICA
SBE16 Manila
Session 6.2: SBE Urban Challenge: Assessment Protocol and Case Studies (Level 1 - Theatre 1)
Session Organiser: iiSBE
Session Chair:

Andrea MORO
President, iiSBE Italia, Italy
President, iiSBE Italia, Italy
A New SBE Challenge Process for a Transnational Generic Framework at Urban Scale

Andrea MORO
President, iiSBE Italia, Italy
President, iiSBE Italia, Italy

Executive Director, International Initiative for a Sustainable Built Environment
Executive Director, International Initiative for a Sustainable Built Environment
Case Study - Europe: CESBA MED, CESBA Alps, NewTREND and Felicity Projects

Andrea MORO
President, iiSBE Italia, Italy
President, iiSBE Italia, Italy

Stefania UGLIOLA
iiSBE Italia R&D, Italy
iiSBE Italia R&D, Italy

Munich University of Applied Science, Germany
Munich University of Applied Science, Germany

Granlund Consulting, Finland
Granlund Consulting, Finland
Case Study - South America: URBENERE Network

Cristina Engel ALVAREZ
Professor/Coordinator, Laboratório de Planejamento e Projetos, Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, Brazil
Professor/Coordinator, Laboratório de Planejamento e Projetos, Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, Brazil

University of Minho, Portugal
University of Minho, Portugal
Case Study - Asia: China's KPIs for Sustainable Cities
Case Study - North America: DISTRICT 2030

Managing Director, JLL, Canada; 2030 Districts
Managing Director, JLL, Canada; 2030 Districts
Session 6.3: Smart Initiatives in SBE (2) (Level 1 - Theatre 2)
Session Chair:

University of Trento, Italy
University of Trento, Italy
Transforming Building Information Modelling to Sustainable Building Asset Management

LEE Che-kit
Chief Engineer, Electrical and Mechanical Services Department, Government of the HKSAR, Hong Kong SAR
Chief Engineer, Electrical and Mechanical Services Department, Government of the HKSAR, Hong Kong SAR
Steve Chan Hor-yin
Senior Engineer, The Electrical and Mechanical Services Department, Government of the HKSAR, Hong Kong SAR
Senior Engineer, The Electrical and Mechanical Services Department, Government of the HKSAR, Hong Kong SAR
Meter Online - Information Drives Behavioural Change to Save Building Energy

Simon TSUI
CCE Manager – Commercial Accounts, CLP Power Hong Kong Limited, Hong Kong SAR
CCE Manager – Commercial Accounts, CLP Power Hong Kong Limited, Hong Kong SAR
Energy Efficient Optimal Controls and Smart Energy Management of Buildings and Their Energy Benefits in Real Applications

WANG Shengwei
Chair Professor of building Services Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong SAR
Chair Professor of building Services Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong SAR
Interactive Building-user Systems for Positive Behavioral Change by Enhancing E-participation of Building Occupants

ZHANG Qianning
Research Scholar, National University of Singapore, Singapore
Research Scholar, National University of Singapore, Singapore
Review on Demand Control Ventilation

ZHENG Caidan
Faculty of Urban Construction and Environmental Engineering, Chongqing University, Mainland China; National Centre for International Research of Low-carbon and Green Buildings, Ministry of Science & Technology
Faculty of Urban Construction and Environmental Engineering, Chongqing University, Mainland China; National Centre for International Research of Low-carbon and Green Buildings, Ministry of Science & Technology
Session 6.4: Deep Renovations – Practices & Performance Review (Level 2 - S221)
Session Chair:

Czech Technical University in Prague, University Centre for Energy Efficient Buildings, Czech Republic
Czech Technical University in Prague, University Centre for Energy Efficient Buildings, Czech Republic
The Verification and Implementation of Practical Renovation for net-ZEB Office

Hiroaki TAKAI
Design Department Head Office, Principal Engineer (Environment), Takenaka Corporation, Japan
Design Department Head Office, Principal Engineer (Environment), Takenaka Corporation, Japan
Humid Wall: Review on Causes and Solutions

Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden
Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden
Improving the Market Up-take of Energy Producing Solar Shading: Experiences from Three Cases of Retrofit

Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden
Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden
Towards a Holistic Approach to Retrofitting: A Critical Review of State-of-the-art Evaluation Methodologies for Architectural Transformation

Stina Rask JENSEN
Aarhus University, Denmark
Aarhus University, Denmark
Renovation Needs and Potential for Improved Energy Performance Depending on Ownership – A Location Based Study of Multi-Family Building Stocks in an Urban Context

Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden
Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden
Session 6.5: SBE Assessments – Design Processes (Level 2 - S222)
Session Chair:

Natalie ESSIG
University of Applied Sciences Munich, Germany
University of Applied Sciences Munich, Germany
Does BEAM Really Matter to Construction Waste Management? What Big Data Does and Does Not Tell

Department of Real Estate and Construction, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR
Department of Real Estate and Construction, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR
Contribution of Knowledge in Sustainable Building Design in Emerging Markets–A Case of Vietnam

CHIH Ying-yi
Senior Lecturer, The Australian National University, Australia
Senior Lecturer, The Australian National University, Australia
Integrated Green Building Assessment Approach for the Next Decade

Director, Green Mark Department for New Development, Building and Construction Authority, Singapore
Director, Green Mark Department for New Development, Building and Construction Authority, Singapore
Certification of Sustainability–Case Study Analysis of New German Standard

Scientific Associate and Consultant, Federal Institute for Research on Building, Urban Affairs and Spatial Development (BBSR), Germany
Scientific Associate and Consultant, Federal Institute for Research on Building, Urban Affairs and Spatial Development (BBSR), Germany
Integration of Energy and Material Performance of Buildings: I=E+M

Senior Consultant, W/E Consultants Sustainable Building, The Netherlands
Senior Consultant, W/E Consultants Sustainable Building, The Netherlands
Session 6.6: Green Construction Materials (1) (Level 2 - S224 & S225)
Session Chair:

Alexander PASSER
Assistant Professor, Graz University of Technology, Austria
Assistant Professor, Graz University of Technology, Austria
Naturally Ventilated Earth Timber Constructions

Senior Architect, Roswag Architekten, Germany
Senior Architect, Roswag Architekten, Germany
The Study on Durability Testing of Heat-insulation Coating

CHEN Yen-jen
National Cheng-Kung University, Taiwan
National Cheng-Kung University, Taiwan
Utilizing Palm Rachis for Eco-Friendly and Flexible Construction in Egypt

Demonstrator, Department of Architecture, Ain Shams University-Cairo, Egypt
Demonstrator, Department of Architecture, Ain Shams University-Cairo, Egypt
Bamboo for The 21st Century

Martin TAM Tin-fong
Founder and CEO, Able Mart Ltd., Hong Kong SAR
Founder and CEO, Able Mart Ltd., Hong Kong SAR
“Community Empowerment through Mud-concrete Technology” - Sustainable Building Techniques to Revitalise the War Victim Communities in Batticaloa, Sri Lanka

Research Assistant, University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka
Research Assistant, University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka
Session 6.7: Innovations Driving for Greener Policies and Standards – Assessment, Analysis and Modelling (2) (Level 2 - S223)
Session Chair:

Full Professor in Sustainable Building, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden
Full Professor in Sustainable Building, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden
Full Cost Assessment: A Method to Analyse Sustainability of Buildings

Alessandra Akemi YOKOTA
The University of Melbourne, Australia
The University of Melbourne, Australia
Integrated System for Energy Optimization and Reduction of Building CO² Footprint.

Universiy of Alcala, Spain
Universiy of Alcala, Spain
Environmental Indicators for Monitoring the Swedish Building and Real Estate Management Sector

National Board of Housing, Building and Planning, Sweden
National Board of Housing, Building and Planning, Sweden
Feasibility Study on Implementing Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) Index in Hong Kong

MUI Kwok-wai
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong SAR
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong SAR
Integrating Capital Cost with Energy Efficiency – Cost@Work

TANG Chee-khoay
CK@Work Sdn Bhd, Malaysia
CK@Work Sdn Bhd, Malaysia
Session 6.8: Sustainable Neighbourhoods – Case Study Review (2) (Level 4 - S426 & S427)
Session Chair:

Matthias SULZER
Professor, Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology, Switzerland; Head Swiss Competence Center for Energy Research – Future Energy Efficient Buildings & Districts, Switzerland
Professor, Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology, Switzerland; Head Swiss Competence Center for Energy Research – Future Energy Efficient Buildings & Districts, Switzerland
A Study of Gaoping River Basin Based on Living and Ecological Landscape

CHANG Kuei-feng
Pingtung County Government, Taiwan
Pingtung County Government, Taiwan
The District Cooling System at The Kai Tak Development

LO Siu-kuen
Senior Engineer, Electrical and Mechanical Services Department, Government of the HKSAR, Hong Kong SAR
Senior Engineer, Electrical and Mechanical Services Department, Government of the HKSAR, Hong Kong SAR
Study on Business Scheme of a Community-wide Decentralized and Self-reliant Energy Network - Allocation of Co-benefits and Evaluation of Socio-environmental & Economic IRR

Acting General Manager, Energy Strategy Planning Department, Tokyo Gas Co., Ltd., Japan
Acting General Manager, Energy Strategy Planning Department, Tokyo Gas Co., Ltd., Japan
Policy Framework and Instruements for Green Transformation in East Asia

Associate & East Asia Energy Skill Leader, Arup, Hong Kong SAR
Associate & East Asia Energy Skill Leader, Arup, Hong Kong SAR
Sustainable Neighbourhood of Shek Wu Hui Sewage Treatment Works

Echo LEONG I-man
Executive Director, AECOM Asia Company Ltd, Hong Kong SAR
Executive Director, AECOM Asia Company Ltd, Hong Kong SAR
Session 6.9: Transforming Green Market – Green Economics (2) (Level 2 - S228)
Session Chair:

Thomas TANG Sek-khuen
Kuala Lumpur Centre for Sustainable Innovation, Malaysia
Kuala Lumpur Centre for Sustainable Innovation, Malaysia
Economic and Sensitivity Analysis of Net Zero Energy Refurbishment of Terraced Houses

Angela GRECO
Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
Finding the Value in Deep Energy Retrofits

James Scott BREW
Senior Sustainability Architect, Nikken Sekkei, Japan
Senior Sustainability Architect, Nikken Sekkei, Japan
Productive Green Roofs

Matthew PRYOR
Associate Professor (Teaching), The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR
Associate Professor (Teaching), The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR
Sustainable Buildings – Impacts on Cash Flow and Business Case Analysis

Director, Centre for Real Estate; Head of Chair, Sustainable Management of Housing and Real Estate, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany
Director, Centre for Real Estate; Head of Chair, Sustainable Management of Housing and Real Estate, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany
Business for Sustainability: Market Incentives for the Better

Senior Scientist, Hochschule Luzern, Switzerland
Senior Scientist, Hochschule Luzern, Switzerland
Session 6.10: Innovative Practices to Transform SBE (1) (Level 4 - S423 & S424)
Session Chair:

Research Director, Eco-business Research, Singapore
Research Director, Eco-business Research, Singapore
Comparative Analyses: Urban Quality, Living Standard, Sustainability. Modernist Housing Estates vs 21st Century City

University Assistant, Graz University of Technology, Austria
University Assistant, Graz University of Technology, Austria
Build Less and Make Cities Smarter by Unleashing Potential of Vacant Spaces

CHAN Lai-kiu
arQstudio Ltd, Hong Kong SAR
arQstudio Ltd, Hong Kong SAR
Green Transformation of Electrical and Mechanical Services Department Headquarters Building

Dominic LAU Siu-kei
Senior Building Services Engineer, Electrical and Mechanical Services Department, Government of the HKSAR, Hong Kong SAR
Senior Building Services Engineer, Electrical and Mechanical Services Department, Government of the HKSAR, Hong Kong SAR
Shaping Energetic Neighbourhoods: A Dynamic Approach for a Future Proof Urban Energy Planning

Jürgen KNIES
Research Associcate, Jade University of Applied Sciences, Germany
Research Associcate, Jade University of Applied Sciences, Germany
Building Drives for Behavior Change – Role Model of Sustainability

Tony LAM
Senior Engineer, Arup, Hong Kong SAR
Senior Engineer, Arup, Hong Kong SAR
Session 6.11: Processes, Design, Tools and Methodologies in SBE (4) (Level 4 - S421)
Session Chair:

Andrew LEUNG
Emeritus Professor, City University of Hong Kong; China Green Building (HK) Council, Hong Kong SAR
Emeritus Professor, City University of Hong Kong; China Green Building (HK) Council, Hong Kong SAR
Evidence-Based Approach to Calibration of Whole Building Energy Model

Adrian CHONG
Carnegie Mellon University, United States of America; National University of Singapore, Singapore
Carnegie Mellon University, United States of America; National University of Singapore, Singapore
International LCA Data Network - Demonstration Project for an Open International Online Database Structure

Hildegund FIGL
IBO Austrian Institute for Building and Ecology, Austria
IBO Austrian Institute for Building and Ecology, Austria
Noise Impact Assessment Study on High-performance of Sound Insolation for Residential Building at Neighboring Taiwan High Speed Rail Station

Associate Professor, Dep. of Interior Design, Hwa Hsia University of Technology, Taiwan
Associate Professor, Dep. of Interior Design, Hwa Hsia University of Technology, Taiwan
The Failures of Initial Commissioning, and its Impacts on Overall Building Performance

Madeline Kathleen PARROTT
British Columbia Institute of Technology, Canada
British Columbia Institute of Technology, Canada
Heating and Cooling Loads of a Poultry Shed in Central Coast, NSW, Australia

The University of Melbourne, Australia
The University of Melbourne, Australia
Session 6.12: Green Buildings – Occupants' Perspectives (Level 4 - S425)
Session Chair:

Senior Manager - Sustainable Development, Hong Kong Science & Technology Parks Corporation, Hong Kong SAR
Senior Manager - Sustainable Development, Hong Kong Science & Technology Parks Corporation, Hong Kong SAR
Sculpting Socially Sustainable Neighbourhoods

Franklin YU
Singular Studio Limited, Hong Kong SAR
Singular Studio Limited, Hong Kong SAR
Thermal Comfort Based Occupancy-driven Building Energy Saving Control Strategies

Assistant Professor, Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University, Mainland China
Assistant Professor, Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University, Mainland China
The Effect of Occupant Behaviour on Real-time Electricity Consumption in Canadian School Spaces

Mohamed H. ISSA
University of Manitoba, Canada
University of Manitoba, Canada
Deep Green Approach to Create Sustainable Built Environments and Neighborhoods - Case Study of Lumpini Place Rama 4 - Ratchada Project

Director of Sustainable Development Department, Wisdom Consulting and Solution Co., Ltd., Thailand
Director of Sustainable Development Department, Wisdom Consulting and Solution Co., Ltd., Thailand
M+, Sustainable Design for a Contemporary Art Museum in Hong Kong

Senior Engineer of Building Sustainability, Arup, Hong Kong SAR
Senior Engineer of Building Sustainability, Arup, Hong Kong SAR
Session 6.13: Place-making – Integrative Design Processes (Level 2 - S226 & S227)
Session Chair:

Lund University, Sweden
Lund University, Sweden
Integrated Design Guidance for the Early Process Phase

sol·id·ar planungswerkstatt, Germany
sol·id·ar planungswerkstatt, Germany
Responsive Design - The Innovative Approach to Create Sustainable Neighbourhoods and Cities

Dennis Lau & Ng Chun Man Architects and Engineers (HK) Ltd., Hong Kong SAR
Dennis Lau & Ng Chun Man Architects and Engineers (HK) Ltd., Hong Kong SAR
Conceptualizing Sustainable Neighbourhoods through Collaborative Placemaking

University of Dundee, United Kingdom
University of Dundee, United Kingdom
A Conceptual Model of Integral Sustainable Design Framework

Wilson YIK
Associate (Sustainability), Leigh & Orange Ltd, Hong Kong SAR
Associate (Sustainability), Leigh & Orange Ltd, Hong Kong SAR
Matthew LEE
Assistant Project Designer (Sustainability), Leigh & Orange Ltd, Hong Kong SAR
Assistant Project Designer (Sustainability), Leigh & Orange Ltd, Hong Kong SAR
From Environmental to Social and Cultural Sustainability

Peter YAM
Ronald Lu & Partners (Hong Kong) Ltd., Hong Kong SAR
Ronald Lu & Partners (Hong Kong) Ltd., Hong Kong SAR
Session 6.14: BEAM Plus Neighbourhood: From Theory to Praxis (Level 4 - S428)
Session Organiser: Hong Kong Green Building Council Limited
Session Chair:

Larry POON
Convener of BEAM Plus Neighbourhood Steering Committee/ Roll-out Taskforce, Hong Kong Green Building Council (HKGBC)
Convener of BEAM Plus Neighbourhood Steering Committee/ Roll-out Taskforce, Hong Kong Green Building Council (HKGBC)
BEAM Plus Neighbourhood: An Introduction

Larry POON
Convener of BEAM Plus Neighbourhood Steering Committee/ Roll-out Taskforce, Hong Kong Green Building Council (HKGBC)
Convener of BEAM Plus Neighbourhood Steering Committee/ Roll-out Taskforce, Hong Kong Green Building Council (HKGBC)
Subsidized Sale Flats Development at Fat Tseung Street West

Deputy Director of Housing (Development & Construction), Hong Kong Housing Authority, Government of the HKSAR, Hong Kong SAR
Deputy Director of Housing (Development & Construction), Hong Kong Housing Authority, Government of the HKSAR, Hong Kong SAR
Transformation of EMSD Headquarters into a Green Building

Antony HO
Associate, Arup, Hong Kong SAR
Associate, Arup, Hong Kong SAR
West Kowloon Cultural District

William CHAN
Chief Operating Officer, West Kowloon Cultural District Authority, Hong Kong SAR
Chief Operating Officer, West Kowloon Cultural District Authority, Hong Kong SAR
Lessons learnt from BEAM Plus Neighbourhood Pilot-testing

Larry POON
Convener of BEAM Plus Neighbourhood Steering Committee/ Roll-out Taskforce, Hong Kong Green Building Council (HKGBC)
Convener of BEAM Plus Neighbourhood Steering Committee/ Roll-out Taskforce, Hong Kong Green Building Council (HKGBC)
Coffee Break
Parallel Session 7
Session 7.1: Education and Training for Transforming SBE (Level 4 - S428)
Session Chair:

Samuel KWONG
John Swire & Sons HK Ltd, Hong Kong SAR
John Swire & Sons HK Ltd, Hong Kong SAR
Private Public Partnership Energy Efficiency Assessment Program at Hong Kong Aircraft Engineering Company, Xiamen Facility, China

Samuel KWONG
John Swire & Sons HK Ltd, Hong Kong SAR
John Swire & Sons HK Ltd, Hong Kong SAR
Leveraging the Power of Story to Achieve Greater Sustainability

James Scott BREW
Senior Sustainability Architect, Nikken Sekkei, Japan
Senior Sustainability Architect, Nikken Sekkei, Japan
Embedding Sustainability in Higher Education Course Content: An Industry Perspective

Lloyd Martin SCOTT
Dublin Institute of Technology, Ireland
Dublin Institute of Technology, Ireland
Importance of Built Heritage for World Sustainable Build Environment

Shahid Ahmad RAJPUT
COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Pakistan
COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Pakistan
Developing A Conceptual Framework for Integrating Project Risk Management and Sustainability Objectives

Timothy ROSE
Queensland University of Technology, Australia
Queensland University of Technology, Australia
Session 7.2: SBE Buildings Challenge: Assessment Protocol and Case Studies (Level 1 - Theatre 1)
Session Organiser: iiSBE
Session Chair:

Executive Director, International Initiative for a Sustainable Built Environment
Executive Director, International Initiative for a Sustainable Built Environment
General Intro about the Process and the Idea of Predicted vs. Actual Performance and the CanTeam Protocol

President, G.F. Shymko & Associates Inc., Canada
President, G.F. Shymko & Associates Inc., Canada
Green and Monitoring in Holiday Inn Express SoHo Hong Kong

Antonio CM CHAN
REC Engineering Co., Ltd., Hong Kong SAR
REC Engineering Co., Ltd., Hong Kong SAR
The 2014 CanTeam Evaluation of 9 Case Studies

President, G.F. Shymko & Associates Inc., Canada
President, G.F. Shymko & Associates Inc., Canada
Current Proposal for New Canadian Work

President, G.F. Shymko & Associates Inc., Canada
President, G.F. Shymko & Associates Inc., Canada
UNSW BPE for 50 Dwellings

Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Built Environment, University of New South Wales, Australia
Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Built Environment, University of New South Wales, Australia
Panel Discussion
Session 7.3: Smart Initiatives in SBE (3) (Level 1 - Theatre 2)
Session Chair:

Dr Vincent CHENG
Director of Building Sustainability, Arup, Hong Kong SAR
Director of Building Sustainability, Arup, Hong Kong SAR
Using Advance Thermodynamics and Online Big Data Analytics to Maximize the Chiller Plant Performance

Vice President, ETC Group, Macau SAR
Vice President, ETC Group, Macau SAR
Transforming Data into Action – Building Energy Management System to Actualize a Sustainable Built Environment

Jovian CHEUNG Man-chit
Electrical & Mechanical Services Department, Government of the HKSAR, Hong Kong SAR
Electrical & Mechanical Services Department, Government of the HKSAR, Hong Kong SAR
Telecommunications Infrastructure for High Performance Buildings

Philip TAI
Telecommunications Manager, Swire Properties Ltd., Hong Kong SAR
Telecommunications Manager, Swire Properties Ltd., Hong Kong SAR
Using Big Data Analytics and Continuous Monitoring to Increase the Return on Investment (ROI) in Projects for Sustainable Building Performance

Asia Regional Manager, ETC Group, Macau SAR
Asia Regional Manager, ETC Group, Macau SAR
Session 7.4: Deep Renovations – Processes & Methodologies (Level 2 - S221)
Session Chair:

University of Trento, Italy
University of Trento, Italy
Towards a Holistic Methodology in Sustainable Retrofitting: Theory, Implementation and Applications

Aliakbar KAMARI
Department of Engineering, Aarhus University, Denmark; Department of Architecture, University of Palermo, Italy
Department of Engineering, Aarhus University, Denmark; Department of Architecture, University of Palermo, Italy
A Multidimensional Optimization Approach to Refurbishment Design on a Multi-Building Scale

Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden
Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden
Development of Regenerative Design Principles for Building Retrofits

William James CRAFT
University of New South Wales, Australia
University of New South Wales, Australia
Passive Building: Energetic Refurbishment of a Secondary School

University of Trento, Italy
University of Trento, Italy
Factors Affecting High Performance Building Designs in Nigeria’s Built Environment: ‘‘ The Architects Perception ’’

Abubakar Yahaya MUHAMMAD
Lecturer, Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University, Nigeria
Lecturer, Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University, Nigeria
Session 7.5: SBE Assessments – Practice Review (Level 2 - S222)
Session Chair:

Czech Technical University in Prague, University Centre for Energy Efficient Buildings, Czech Republic
Czech Technical University in Prague, University Centre for Energy Efficient Buildings, Czech Republic
Transnational Harmonization of Built Environment Assessment Systems: the CESBA Passport Principle

Andrea MORO
President, iiSBE Italia, Italy
President, iiSBE Italia, Italy
Generating and Providing Embodied Energy and Global Warming Potential Related Information – Recommendations for Construction Product Manufacturers

Junior Research, Graz University of Technology, Austria
Junior Research, Graz University of Technology, Austria
Discussing Sustainability in Building Construction: The Potential of SBtool for Brazilian Public Bidding in Fiocruz

Monica Santos SALGADO
Professor, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Professor, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Assessment Tools for The Sustainability Performance of Building - Development of A Sustainability Assessment Method for Small Residential Buildings in Germany

Natalie ESSIG
University of Applied Sciences Munich, Germany
University of Applied Sciences Munich, Germany
Session 7.6: Green Construction Materials (2) (Level 4 - S426 & S427)
Session Chair:

Senior Manager - Sustainable Development, Hong Kong Science & Technology Parks Corporation, Hong Kong SAR
Senior Manager - Sustainable Development, Hong Kong Science & Technology Parks Corporation, Hong Kong SAR
Self-Compacting Clay Concrete: A Sustainable and Innovative Process to Build with Earth

Guillaume HABERT
Professor, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Professor, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Trend of Dynamic Glass in Green Building

Director, Full Treasure, Hong Kong SAR
Director, Full Treasure, Hong Kong SAR
Upgraded Mineral Sand fraction from MSWI Bottom Ash: An Alternative Solution for the Substitution of Natural Aggregates in Concrete Application

Jacques Rémy MINANE
IMT Lille-Douai, LGCgE-GCE, France
IMT Lille-Douai, LGCgE-GCE, France
Autonomous Repair in Cementitious Material by Combination of Superabsorbent Polymers and Polypropylene Fibers - A Step towards Sustainable Infrastructure

Souradeep GUPTA
National University of Singapore, Singapore
National University of Singapore, Singapore
Session 7.7: Innovations Driving for Greener Policies and Standards – Smart Initiatives (Level 2 - S223)
Session Chair:

WANG Shengwei
Chair Professor of building Services Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong SAR
Chair Professor of building Services Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong SAR
Smart Cities: Selection of Indicators for Vitória

Cristina Engel ALVAREZ
Professor/Coordinator, Laboratório de Planejamento e Projetos, Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, Brazil
Professor/Coordinator, Laboratório de Planejamento e Projetos, Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, Brazil
Establishing Smart Cities for Sustainability: An Analysis of the Japanese Innovation System and Implications for Asia

Associate Professor, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR
Associate Professor, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR
PLUSQUA: Potential of Neighbourhoods to Reduce Thermal and Electrical Loads

Matthias SULZER
Professor, Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology, Switzerland; Head Swiss Competence Center for Energy Research – Future Energy Efficient Buildings & Districts, Switzerland
Professor, Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology, Switzerland; Head Swiss Competence Center for Energy Research – Future Energy Efficient Buildings & Districts, Switzerland
Adoption of Smart Initiatives in Developing Anderson Road Quarry Site Towards A Sustainable and Green Living Area

Michael LEUNG Chung-lap
Deputy Project Manager (New Territories East) 1, Civil Engineering and Development Department, Government of the HKSAR, Hong Kong SAR
Deputy Project Manager (New Territories East) 1, Civil Engineering and Development Department, Government of the HKSAR, Hong Kong SAR
Roadmap Towards Operational Energy Neutral Sewage Treatment Works

Civil and Environmental Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong SAR
Civil and Environmental Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong SAR
Session 7.8: Sustainable Neighbourhoods – Processes and Application (Level 4 - S426 & S427)
Session Chair:

Prof. Phil JONES
Chair Architectural Science, Welsh School of Architecture, Cardiff University, United Kingdom; Visiting Research Professor, Faculty of Architecture, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR
Chair Architectural Science, Welsh School of Architecture, Cardiff University, United Kingdom; Visiting Research Professor, Faculty of Architecture, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR
Current Challenges of Urban Energy Planning in A Norwegian Municipality

Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway
Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway
Citylab Action: Guiding Sustainable Urban Development

Jonas LIND
Licentiate Candidate, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden; Project Coordinator, Sweden Green Building Council, Sweden
Licentiate Candidate, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden; Project Coordinator, Sweden Green Building Council, Sweden
The Break-Even Point : Impact of Urban Densities on Value Creation, Infrastructure Costs and Embodied Energy

Prof. Serge SALAT
President, Urban Morphology and Complex Systems Institute, France
President, Urban Morphology and Complex Systems Institute, France
Barriers and Needs for Energy-efficient Refurbishment at District Level

Senior Principle Scientist, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd., Finland
Senior Principle Scientist, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd., Finland
Building regulations and Urban Policies as Incentives for Application of District Cooling Systems in Singapore

SHI Zhongming
Chair of Architecture and Building Systems, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Chair of Architecture and Building Systems, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Session 7.9: Transforming Green Market – Supply Chain (Level 2 - S228)
Session Chair:

Global Head of Sustainability Amie Shuttleworth, Cundall, Hong Kong SAR
Global Head of Sustainability Amie Shuttleworth, Cundall, Hong Kong SAR
New Visitors? Small European Companies Entering the Chinese Sustainable Building Market

Christian KOCH
Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden
Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden
Sustainable Electrical and Mechanical Services - Vision with Action

CHAN Ming-yee
Senior Engineer / Business Planning, Electrical and Mechanical Services Department, Government of the HKSAR, Hong Kong SAR
Senior Engineer / Business Planning, Electrical and Mechanical Services Department, Government of the HKSAR, Hong Kong SAR
Project Manager’s Role in Sustainable Building Projects: A Case Study in Canada

Ricardo Ferreira LEOTO
Architect and Sustainable Building Consultant, Faculté de l'Aménagement, Université de Montréal, Canada
Architect and Sustainable Building Consultant, Faculté de l'Aménagement, Université de Montréal, Canada
A Study on Green Industrial Project Construction Experience

Vice President - Engineering & Innovation, Bulter (Shanghai) Inc., Mainland China
Vice President - Engineering & Innovation, Bulter (Shanghai) Inc., Mainland China
The Economic Cost-benefit Analysis of Green Building Based on the Low-carbon Economic Policy

WAN Shiyu
School of Economics and Management, Beijing Jiaotong University, Mainland China
School of Economics and Management, Beijing Jiaotong University, Mainland China
Session 7.10: Innovative Practices to Transform SBE (2) (Level 4 - S423 & S424)
Session Chair:

Kenneth CHAN
Director, BEAM Society Ltd., Hong Kong SAR
Director, BEAM Society Ltd., Hong Kong SAR
A Revolutionary Study Commons and University Library Extension, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

FUNG Siu-man
Director of Campus Development, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR
Director of Campus Development, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR
Nearly Zero-Energy Care Home Design in Cold Climate in China

HOU Shan-shan
Research Associate, Cardiff University, United Kingdom
Research Associate, Cardiff University, United Kingdom
Preliminary Study on Natural Ventilation Efficiency in School Stadium by Different Opening Patterns

LI Yenyi
Associate Professor, ShuTe University / TSSBE (iiSBE-Taiwan), Taiwan
Associate Professor, ShuTe University / TSSBE (iiSBE-Taiwan), Taiwan
Quantifying and Improving Environmental and Human Sustainability in Remote-Region Health Clinics, Australia

University of Canberra, Australia
University of Canberra, Australia
Soaring of Urbanization - Optimized Approaches through Adaptive and Sustainable Masterplanning

Antony HO
Associate, Arup, Hong Kong SAR
Associate, Arup, Hong Kong SAR
Session 7.11: Processes, Design, Tools and Methodologies in SBE (5) (Level 4 - S421)
Session Chair:

Japan GreenBuild Council, Japan
Japan GreenBuild Council, Japan
Measuring Sustainability in Buildings Using Construction Materials Database Based on Life Cycle Information in Turkey

Yaşar University, Turkey
Yaşar University, Turkey
When Digital Fabrication Provides Environmental Benefits: Study of Complex Structures

Scientific Assistant, Chair of Sustainable Construction, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Scientific Assistant, Chair of Sustainable Construction, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Sustainable Building Design for Enhancement of Street Ventilation and Air Quality Improvement

Karl AN
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, AECOM Environment, Hong Kong SAR
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, AECOM Environment, Hong Kong SAR
Applicability of Maturity Assessment for Sustainable Construction

Scientific Assistant, Graz University of Technology - Institute of Technology and Testing of Building Materials - Working Group for Sustainability Assessment, Austria
Scientific Assistant, Graz University of Technology - Institute of Technology and Testing of Building Materials - Working Group for Sustainability Assessment, Austria
Development of a Rotatable Outdoor Testbed and the Testing of an Integrated Auto-dimming Lighting and Automated Blind System in the Tropics

Sushanth BABU
Research Associate, Energy Research Institute@NTU (ERI@N) Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Research Associate, Energy Research Institute@NTU (ERI@N) Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Session 7.12: Multi-facet Considerations of Urban Regeneration Policies (Level 4 - S425)
Session Chair:

Thomas NG
Professor (Construction Engineering and Management), The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR
Professor (Construction Engineering and Management), The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR
The Role of Stakeholders in Masterplan Regeneration Decisions

Hannah BAKER
University of Cambridge, United Kingdom
University of Cambridge, United Kingdom
Effect of Residential Tower Geometries on Urban Wind Environment

Associate Professor, Chu Hai College of Higher Education, Hong Kong SAR
Associate Professor, Chu Hai College of Higher Education, Hong Kong SAR
Health Co-benefits of Low Carbon Policies in the Built Environment: An Australian Investigation into Local Government Co-benefits Policies

Sardar Masud KARIM
The University of New South Wales, Australia
The University of New South Wales, Australia
Bai Wan Zhuang, A Beijing Community at The Crossroads - An Analysis About the Sustainable Update of Chinese Old Distinctive Residential Areas

WANG Liang
CAUPD, Mainland China
CAUPD, Mainland China
Methodology for a Sustainable Urban Regeneration: Urban Cell as Dissemination Unit

Miguel AMADO
Instituto Superior Tecnico, Portugal
Instituto Superior Tecnico, Portugal
Session 7.13: Place-making – Practices Review (Level 2 - S226 & S227)
Session Chair:

Architecture Program, German University Cairo, Egypt
Architecture Program, German University Cairo, Egypt
From Icon to Community: Repositioning the Image of the Modern Mega-Tower

Ar. Bryant LU
Vice Chairman, Ronald Lu and Partners (Hong Kong) Ltd., Hong Kong SAR
Vice Chairman, Ronald Lu and Partners (Hong Kong) Ltd., Hong Kong SAR
Do We Design Our Cities?

Eugenio Maria FONTAN YANES
Director – Architect – BIM Implementation, Enzyme Apd, Hong Kong SAR
Director – Architect – BIM Implementation, Enzyme Apd, Hong Kong SAR
Sustainable Residential Building Developments towards Neighbourhood Level – From a Hong Kong Private Developer Perspective

Edward CHAN
Henderson Land Development Co. Ltd., Hong Kong SAR
Henderson Land Development Co. Ltd., Hong Kong SAR
New Exposition of Sustainability – Linking People, Building and Community

Consultant of Building Sustainability, Arup, Hong Kong SAR
Consultant of Building Sustainability, Arup, Hong Kong SAR
Sustainable Workplaces in High Density of Urban Areas

Ryusuke KOJIO
Architect, Takenaka Corporation, Japan; General Manager, Design, Takenaka Europe GMBH, Germany
Architect, Takenaka Corporation, Japan; General Manager, Design, Takenaka Europe GMBH, Germany
Keynote 6 Dr Raymond COLE, Professor, School of Architecture and Landscape Architecture, University of British Columbia
Topic: Reframing Environmentalism: Shaping a Positive Future
Topic: Reframing Environmentalism: Shaping a Positive Future
Closing Ceremony