Remark: The Organisers reserve the right to update or change the programme content, session and paper allocation without prior notice. Paper authors are recommended to check constantly the Conference Website to observe the latest programme and allocation of papers.
Plenary Session on Climate Change and Sustainable Development I
Session Chair: Mr Curt GARRIGAN, Cities and Buildings Programme Manager, UN Environment – Economy Division
Session Chair: Mr Curt GARRIGAN, Cities and Buildings Programme Manager, UN Environment – Economy Division
- Mr WONG Kam-sing, Secretary for the Environment, Government of the HKSAR
- Ms Christiana FIGUERES, Vice-chair, Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate & Energy
- Ms Jennifer LAYKE, Director, Global Energy Program, World Resources Institute
- Mr Gregor HERDA, Regional Housing Advisor, United Nations Human Settlement Programme (UN-Habitat)
- Mr John DULAC, Technology Policy Building Sector Lead, International Energy Agency
Coffee Break
Plenary Session on Climate Change and Sustainable Development II
Session Chair: Mr Curt GARRIGAN, Cities and Buildings Programme Manager, UN Environment – Economy Division
Session Chair: Mr Curt GARRIGAN, Cities and Buildings Programme Manager, UN Environment – Economy Division
- Mr Nils LARSSON, Executive Director, International Initiative for a Sustainable Built Environment
- Mr Pekka HUOVILA, Coordinator, 10YFP Sustainable Buildings and Construction (SBC) Programme
- Mr Roland HUNZIKER, Director, Sustainable Buildings & Cities, World Business Council for Sustainable Development
Panel Discussion
Session Chair: Mr Curt GARRIGAN, Cities and Buildings Programme Manager, UN Environment – Economy Division
Session Chair: Mr Curt GARRIGAN, Cities and Buildings Programme Manager, UN Environment – Economy Division
- Ms Christine LOH, Under Secretary for the Environment, Government of the HKSAR
- Ms Christiana FIGUERES, Vice-chair, Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate & Energy
- Ms Jennifer LAYKE, Director, Global Energy Program, World Resources Institute
- Mr Gregor HERDA, Regional Housing Advisor, United Nations Human Settlement Programme (UN-Habitat)
- Mr Pekka HUOVILA, Coordinator, 10YFP Sustainable Buildings and Construction (SBC) Programme
- Mr Roland HUNZIKER, Director, Sustainable Buildings & Cities, World Business Council for Sustainable Development
Platinum Sponsor's Sharing - Ir Dr Raymond YAU, General Manager, Technical Services & Sustainable Development, Swire Properties Ltd., Hong Kong SAR
Topic: Creative Transformation
Topic: Creative Transformation
Lunch Break
Parallel Session 3
Session 3.1: Mainland China Session - Turning Green to Gold – Green Practices for Urbanization in China (Level 1 - Convention Hall)
Session Organiser: Shenzhen Green Building Association and Shenzhen Institute of Building Research
Session Chair:

YE Qing
Director, The Shenzhen Institute of Building Research Ltd and the President of Shenzhen Green Building Association
Director, The Shenzhen Institute of Building Research Ltd and the President of Shenzhen Green Building Association
Stereoscopic Garden-green Building Reflecting Humanistic Spirit

QIU Baoxing
Counsellor of Counsellor’s Office of the State Council, PRC
Counsellor of Counsellor’s Office of the State Council, PRC
The Actions and Challenges of Shenzhen's Response to Climate Change

Professor, School of Economics and Management, Harbin Institute of Technology (Shenzhen)
Professor, School of Economics and Management, Harbin Institute of Technology (Shenzhen)
Policy and Practice of Green Low-carbon Development in Shenzhen Construction

ZHANG Xuefan
Director, Bureau of Housing & Construction of Shenzhen Municipality
Director, Bureau of Housing & Construction of Shenzhen Municipality
Vanke's Green Practice in Urban Upgrading

Vice President, China Vanke Co., Ltd.
Vice President, China Vanke Co., Ltd.
Enhance the Green Building Development by Credit Enhancement of Green Insurance

Kevin MO
Managing Director, Paulson Institute Representative Office
Managing Director, Paulson Institute Representative Office
Panel Discussion
Session 3.2: International Youth Competition (1) (Level 1 - Theatre 1)
Session Chair:

Edward NG
Chairman, International Youth Competition Sub-committee, WSBE17 Hong Kong Scientific Committee; Professor of Architecture, School of Architecture, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR
Chairman, International Youth Competition Sub-committee, WSBE17 Hong Kong Scientific Committee; Professor of Architecture, School of Architecture, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR
Presentation of 8 Shortlisted Teams
Q & A
Final Judging by International Jury Panel
Session 3.3: Advanced Building Systems – Energy Generation (1) (Level 1 - Theatre 2)
Session Chair:

Prof. Phil JONES
Chair Architectural Science, Welsh School of Architecture, Cardiff University, United Kingdom; Visiting Research Professor, Faculty of Architecture, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR
Chair Architectural Science, Welsh School of Architecture, Cardiff University, United Kingdom; Visiting Research Professor, Faculty of Architecture, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR
Analysis of Fourth-Generation District Energy Systems with Renewable Energy Cogeneration by Using Rational Exergy Management Model

Baskent University, Turkey
Baskent University, Turkey
The Application of Solid Oxide Fuel Cells in Buildings for Electricity, Heating and Cooling Tri-generation Using Natural Gas or Bio-gas from Waste

WANG Qiancheng
Department of Building Real Estate, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong SAR
Department of Building Real Estate, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong SAR
Building and Community Energy Retrofit Housing in Wales

LI Xiaojun
Research Associate, Cardiff University, United Kingdom
Research Associate, Cardiff University, United Kingdom
Geothermal District Heating Investigation of Retired Oil/Gas Wells as Higher-temperature Renewable Heat Sources

GUO Hongshan
Princeton University, United States of America
Princeton University, United States of America
Session 3.4: Policies for High-Performance Green Buildings (2) (Level 2 - S221)
Session Chair:

Lloyd Martin SCOTT
Dublin Institute of Technology, Ireland
Dublin Institute of Technology, Ireland
Baseline and Water Efficiency for Green Building in Taiwan

CHENG Cheng-li
Dean of Design College; President of AIT, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taiwan
Dean of Design College; President of AIT, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taiwan
A Comparative Study on Economic Policies for Construction and Demolition Waste Minimization

The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong SAR
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong SAR
Using Supply Chain Management for Sustainable Public Procurement

Johannes WALL
Graz University of Technology, Austria
Graz University of Technology, Austria
Innovative Measures to Protect Residential Developments from Traffic Noise - Hong Kong Experience

LAU Kwok-keung
Principal Environmental Protection Officer, Environmental Protection Department, Government of the HKSAR, Hong Kong SAR
Principal Environmental Protection Officer, Environmental Protection Department, Government of the HKSAR, Hong Kong SAR
Energy Efficiency for a Sustainable Built Environment in Nigeria

SERA energy & resources, Austria
SERA energy & resources, Austria
Session 3.5: Performance Review of Green Buildings (1) (Level 2 - S222)
Session Chair:

Srinath PERERA
Professor of Built Environment & Construction Management, Western Sydney University, Australia
Professor of Built Environment & Construction Management, Western Sydney University, Australia
Strategic Study on the Benefit Evaluation of Solar Photovoltaic Promotion Policy in Kaohsiung

CHAO Chien-chiao
Director General, Bureau of Public Works, Kaohsiung City Government, Taiwan
Director General, Bureau of Public Works, Kaohsiung City Government, Taiwan
A Baseline Study on Thermal Performance of Prefabricated Modular Buildings in Australia

Sareh NAJI
The University of Melbourne, Australia
The University of Melbourne, Australia
Energy Saving Potential of Thermal Broken Fenestration System in Hot Climate Counties

Simon WONG
Technoform Bautec Hong Kong Ltd., Hong Kong SAR
Technoform Bautec Hong Kong Ltd., Hong Kong SAR
Potentials of Energy Efficiency and Generation Strategies for High-rise Office Buildings in Hong Kong

YU Cong
The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR
The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR
Effect of Corridor Design on Energy Consumption for School Buildings in the Cold Climate

ZHANG Anxiao
Tianjin University, Mainland China; Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
Tianjin University, Mainland China; Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
Session 3.6: Innovations Driving for Greener Policies and Standards – Practices Review (Level 2 - S223)
Session Chair:

Richard LORCH
Leap forward or Snail Speed? Examining Radical Sustainable Innovation

Christian KOCH
Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden
Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden
The Progress of Energy Renovations of Housing in The Netherlands

Professor, Delft University of Technology-Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment, The Netherlands
Professor, Delft University of Technology-Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment, The Netherlands
Evaluation of Using BEAM-PLUS to Facilitate Waste Reduction in Building Construction

Lara Celine JAILLON
City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR
City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR
Energy, Comfort and Cost Optimization of A Net-Zero Energy Building in Berlin

Federal Institute for Research on Building, Urban Affairs and Spatial Development, Germany
Federal Institute for Research on Building, Urban Affairs and Spatial Development, Germany
Modelling the Built Environment Element by Element: Uncovering Greenhouse Gas Intensive Policies and Structures with a New Visualisation Tool

Instituto Superior Técnico, University of Lisbon, Portugal
Instituto Superior Técnico, University of Lisbon, Portugal
Session 3.7: High Performance Transportation Hubs: Their Critical Role and Requirements? (Level 2 - S224 & S225)
Session Organiser: AECOM
Session Chair:

Sylvester Timothy WONG
Vice President, Strategies + Development, Buildings + Places, Asia; Head of Buildings + Places, Philippines & Emerging Markets, AECOM, Philippines
Vice President, Strategies + Development, Buildings + Places, Asia; Head of Buildings + Places, Philippines & Emerging Markets, AECOM, Philippines

Industry Director, Building Structures Practice Lead, Australia and New Zealand, AECOM, Australia
Industry Director, Building Structures Practice Lead, Australia and New Zealand, AECOM, Australia

Executive Director, Third Runway, Airport Authority Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR
Executive Director, Third Runway, Airport Authority Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR

Asia Pacific Representative, International WELL Building Institute
Asia Pacific Representative, International WELL Building Institute
Session 3.8: Innovative Practices for Occupant Wellbeing – Bioclimatic Design (Level 4 - S426 & S427)
Session Chair:

Rutgers University, United States of America
Rutgers University, United States of America
Bringing Sustainable Neighbourhood Design into Reality–Case Sharing by Brickell City Centre, Miami

Benny AU
Sustainable Development Manager, Swire Properties Ltd., Hong Kong SAR
Sustainable Development Manager, Swire Properties Ltd., Hong Kong SAR
On the Study of Shading Effect of Different Paving Materials Inside a Park

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong SAR
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong SAR
Passive Design Strategies for Building Envelopes in Different Orientations

Elizabeth PARRA
PVG Arquitectos, Colombia
PVG Arquitectos, Colombia
An Integrated Urban Microclimate and Building Energy Model for Early Stage Design

HUANG Jianxiang
The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR
The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR
Re-Thinking Courtyard Housing: Development of Traditional Islamic Courthouses into Zero-Energy Buildings

Osama Mohamed OMAR
Assistant Professor of Architecture, Beirut Arab University, Lebanon
Assistant Professor of Architecture, Beirut Arab University, Lebanon
Session 3.9: Practices & Methodologies for Green Building Management (3) (Level 2 - S228)
Session Chair:

Director, Centre for Real Estate; Head of Chair, Sustainable Management of Housing and Real Estate, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany
Director, Centre for Real Estate; Head of Chair, Sustainable Management of Housing and Real Estate, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany
Life Story of the Repurposed Shipping Container

Chief Architect, Architectural Services Department, Government of the HKSAR, Hong Kong SAR
Chief Architect, Architectural Services Department, Government of the HKSAR, Hong Kong SAR
Factors Influencing Human Capability to Practice Sustainability in Facilities Management (FM) – A Review

Fathima Sabrina NAZEER
University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka
University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka
Sustainable Construction: Quality of Life of Construction Workers in Private sector: Case Study of L.P.N. Development Public Co., Ltd.

Wisdom Consulting and Solution, Thailand
Wisdom Consulting and Solution, Thailand
Mining for Resources: Problem-oriented Building Information Management and Development of Agile Facility Management Methodologies Through Industry-University-Public Collaborations

Assistant Professor, The University of Tokyo, Japan
Assistant Professor, The University of Tokyo, Japan
Development of MERIT and Normalization Factor for Different Operating Hours for Building Energy Intensity (BEI)

Kevin HOR
Edgenta Energy Services PLC, Malaysia
Edgenta Energy Services PLC, Malaysia
Session 3.10: Transforming SBE Practices – Energy Management (2) (Level 4 - S425)
Session Chair:

Research Director, Eco-business Research, Singapore
Research Director, Eco-business Research, Singapore
Dynamic CO2 and Occupancy Modelling for Predictive Control

National University of Singapore, Singapore
National University of Singapore, Singapore
Retro-commissioning Practice and In-depth Analysis Leading to Efficiency Optimization on HVAC Systems: Case Study on A Retail Mall in China

Jean QIN
Building Services Manager, Swire Properties Ltd., Hong Kong SAR
Building Services Manager, Swire Properties Ltd., Hong Kong SAR
Study of Chiller Part Load Values for Hong Kong and Subtropical Climate

LEUNG Wai-ho
Senior Engineer, Arup, Hong Kong SAR
Senior Engineer, Arup, Hong Kong SAR
HVAC System Design and Operation Performance of a Low-Carbon High-Rise Tenant Office Building Located in Tokyo

General Manager, Kajima Technical Research Institute Singapore, Singapore
General Manager, Kajima Technical Research Institute Singapore, Singapore
Optimizing Energy Efficiency for a High Rise Office Tower in Tropics

NG Yong-kong
NYK Engineering and Trading Sdn Bhd, Malaysia
NYK Engineering and Trading Sdn Bhd, Malaysia
Session 3.11: BIM for Sustainability (1) (Level 4 - S421)
Session Chair:

Paul HO
Director, Professional Green Building Council, Hong Kong SAR
Director, Professional Green Building Council, Hong Kong SAR
BIM based deep building renovation optimization for sustainability

HUANG Lizhen
Associate Professor, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway
Associate Professor, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway
Integrating BIM for Sustainable Planning, Design, Construction and Facility Management for Hong Kong’s Public Housing Development

Lawrence KW CHUNG
Assistant Director of Housing (Development and Construction), Hong Kong Housing Authority, Government of the HKSAR, Hong Kong SAR
Assistant Director of Housing (Development and Construction), Hong Kong Housing Authority, Government of the HKSAR, Hong Kong SAR
BIM Enabled Life Cycle Environmental Analysis for a Small Scale Zero Energy House

LI Qiyuan
School of Architecture,Tianjin University, Mainland China
School of Architecture,Tianjin University, Mainland China
The Use of FTA (Fault Tree Analysis) to Evaluate the Contribution of BIM Platform to the Environmental Quality on Rehabilitated Buildings

Monica Santos SALGADO
Professor, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Professor, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Sustainable Buildings with BIM

Sales Manager, GRAPHISOFT Asia Ltd., Hong Kong SAR
Sales Manager, GRAPHISOFT Asia Ltd., Hong Kong SAR
Session 3.12: Emerging Practices in Sustainable Built Environment (Level 4 - S423 & 424)
Session Organiser: Allied Environmental Consultants Ltd.
Session Chair:

Grace KWOK
Managing Director, Allied Environmental Consultants Ltd.
Managing Director, Allied Environmental Consultants Ltd.
Acoustics and Lighting Design for Green Building

Henry CHAN Chi-kee
Associate Director, Allied Environmental Consultants Ltd.
Associate Director, Allied Environmental Consultants Ltd.
Showcase of Green Campus Development in Hong Kong – A Case Review of Hang Seng Management College’s Master Campus Expansion Plan

Danica CHAN
Environmental Consultant, Allied Environmental Consultants Ltd.
Environmental Consultant, Allied Environmental Consultants Ltd.
Drive towards Sustainable Development and Management: Case Study on International Commerce Centre

Andy LAI
Senior Consultant, Allied Environmental Consultants Ltd.
Senior Consultant, Allied Environmental Consultants Ltd.
Intelligence, Collaboration, Continuity – A Case Study of Improving the Environmental Performance of an Office Building

Lewis LAM
Assistant General Manager (Property Management), Kai Shing Management Services Ltd.
Assistant General Manager (Property Management), Kai Shing Management Services Ltd.
Sustainability Strategies in Towngas Headquarters Building

Nelson LO
Property Management Manager, The Hong Kong and China Gas Company Ltd.
Property Management Manager, The Hong Kong and China Gas Company Ltd.
Session 3.13: Community Empowerment (1) (Level 2 - S226 & S227)
Session Chair:

Tony IP
Deputy Director of Sustainable Design, Ronald Lu & Partners (Hong Kong) Ltd., Hong Kong SAR
Deputy Director of Sustainable Design, Ronald Lu & Partners (Hong Kong) Ltd., Hong Kong SAR
The Strategy of Launching Rural Regeneration in Pingtung County Government

HUNG Chieh-jen
Pingtung County Government, Taiwan
Pingtung County Government, Taiwan
2030 Districts: Putting Ideas into Action

LI Jiexin
China Lead, 2030 Districts
China Lead, 2030 Districts

Managing Director, JLL, Canada; 2030 Districts
Managing Director, JLL, Canada; 2030 Districts
A Critical Discussion on the Role of Architectural Practice in Development of Rural China: for Living Sustainably

LI Ke-han
The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR
The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR
Retrofit or Behaviour Change? Which Has the Greater Impact on Energy Consumption in Low Income Households?

Melissa JAMES
Senior Experimental Scientist, CSIRO, Australia
Senior Experimental Scientist, CSIRO, Australia
Towards a Holistic Methodology: A Practical Approach to Local Energy Planning

Senior Scientist, Hochschule Luzern, Switzerland
Senior Scientist, Hochschule Luzern, Switzerland
Session 3.14: Environmentally Responsive Buildings and Human Interactions (Level 4 - S428)
Session Organiser: Somfy Asia-Pacific Co. Limited
Session Chair:

Anders HALL
International Business Development, Somfy International; Chairman, Marketing & Communication, ES-SO (EU Solar Shading Organisation)
International Business Development, Somfy International; Chairman, Marketing & Communication, ES-SO (EU Solar Shading Organisation)
Research and Experiences on Sustainability by ES-SO

Anders HALL
International Business Development, Somfy International; Chairman, Marketing & Communication, ES-SO (EU Solar Shading Organisation)
International Business Development, Somfy International; Chairman, Marketing & Communication, ES-SO (EU Solar Shading Organisation)
The Architect’s View on a Design of More Sustainable and High Performing Facades – and It Works!

Director of Architecture, Fender Katsalidis Mirams Architects
Director of Architecture, Fender Katsalidis Mirams Architects
Case Study - Understanding the key learnings from the use of Automated Solar Shading in Sustainable Buildings

Alistair GRICE
Commercial Specification Manager, Somfy Oceania
Commercial Specification Manager, Somfy Oceania
Connected Homes: A More Comfortable, Secure and Sustainable Life in the Future

Jean-Pierre DUMAS
Managing Director, iHome Systems
Managing Director, iHome Systems
Panel Discussion
Coffee Break
Roundtable 2: Leadership Driving for the Sustainable Built Environment
Session Chair: Ms Christine LOH, Under Secretary for the Environment, Government of the HKSAR
Session Chair: Ms Christine LOH, Under Secretary for the Environment, Government of the HKSAR
- Dr George BAIRD, Emeritus Professor of Building Science, Victoria University of Wellington
- Mr Douglas WOO, Chairman & Managing Director, Wheelock and Company Ltd.
- Prof. Greg FOLIENTE, Enterprise Professor, University of Melbourne; Regional Director in Asia-Pacific, iiSBE; Founding Director, nBLue Pty Ltd
- Mr TAN Tian-chong, Deputy Managing Director, Built Environment Research and Innovation Institute, Building and Construction Authority
- Mr Lincoln LEONG, CEO, MTR Corporation
Parallel Session 4
Session 4.1: Mainland China Session - The Development Framework and Professional Best Practices of Healthy Buildings in China (Level 1 - Convention Hall)
Session Organiser: : Green Building Research Centre and the Chinese Society for Urban Studies
Session Chair:

MENG Chong
Deputy Director, Green Building Research Centre, Chinese Society for Urban Studies, China
Deputy Director, Green Building Research Centre, Chinese Society for Urban Studies, China
Water is the Essence of Healthy Building

Deputy Director, Architectural Design Institute, China Academy of Building Research
Deputy Director, Architectural Design Institute, China Academy of Building Research
The Control and Prevention of Indoor PM2.5 against the Health Risks of Occupants

ZHANG Yinping
School of Architecture, Tsinghua University, China
School of Architecture, Tsinghua University, China
Development of the China Healthy Building Assessment Standards and its Professional Practices

MENG Chong
Deputy Director, Green Building Research Centre, Chinese Society for Urban Studies, China
Deputy Director, Green Building Research Centre, Chinese Society for Urban Studies, China
Technological Innovations and Best Practices of Healthy Buildings

Founder & CEO, First Human Environmental Technologies (Beijing) Co., Ltd., China
Founder & CEO, First Human Environmental Technologies (Beijing) Co., Ltd., China
Session 4.2: International Youth Competition (2) (Level 1 - Theatre 1)
Session Chair:

Edward NG
Chairman, International Youth Competition Sub-committee, WSBE17 Hong Kong Scientific Committee; Professor of Architecture, School of Architecture, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR
Chairman, International Youth Competition Sub-committee, WSBE17 Hong Kong Scientific Committee; Professor of Architecture, School of Architecture, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR
Presentation of 8 Shortlisted Teams
Q & A
Final Judging by International Jury Panel
Session 4.3: Advanced Building Systems – Energy Generation (2) (Level 1 - Theatre 2)
Session Chair:

Architecture Program, German University Cairo, Egypt
Architecture Program, German University Cairo, Egypt
Exergoeconomic Assessment of a Building Integrated Photovoltaic (BIPV) System: A Case Study of Yasar University, Izmir, Turkey

Chairman of Energy Systems Engineering Department, Yasar University, Turkey
Chairman of Energy Systems Engineering Department, Yasar University, Turkey
Variations of Systematic Solutions for 24-hour Operating Sustainable Small-scale Commercial Buildings

Project Lecturer, Institute Industrial Science, the University of Tokyo, Japan
Project Lecturer, Institute Industrial Science, the University of Tokyo, Japan
Study on the Potential of Converting Former Military Bunkers into Energy Storage Facilities

Research Assistant, Architect M.Sc., Technical University Darmstadt, Germany
Research Assistant, Architect M.Sc., Technical University Darmstadt, Germany
An Evaluation of Building Integrated Wind Energy

Mehmet Koray PEKERICLI
Assistant Professor, Middle East Technical University, Turkey
Assistant Professor, Middle East Technical University, Turkey
Session 4.4: Processes of High-Performance Green Buildings (Level 2 - S221)
What Are The Most Effective Drivers of Sustainable Development in The Decision Making Process

Hanne Tine Ring HANSEN
Sustainability Engineer, Søren Jensen Consulting Engineers, Denmark
Sustainability Engineer, Søren Jensen Consulting Engineers, Denmark
German ÖKOBAUDAT Goes International - An Online Infrastructure for LCA as Basis for International Structures

Head of Division Construction and Environment, BBSR Federal Inst. for Research on Building, Urban Affairs and Spatial Development, Germany
Head of Division Construction and Environment, BBSR Federal Inst. for Research on Building, Urban Affairs and Spatial Development, Germany
How Actors Can Implement in Practice the General Principles of Sustainability in Their Buildings and Civil Engineering Projects

Director, Centre for Real Estate; Head of Chair, Sustainable Management of Housing and Real Estate, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany
Director, Centre for Real Estate; Head of Chair, Sustainable Management of Housing and Real Estate, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany
Driver And Challenges Facing Leadership in Adopting Sustainability in The Built Environment: A Developer’s Perspective

ZHANG Xiaoling
Department of Public Policy, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR
Department of Public Policy, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR
Analyzing the Reference Flows for Energy Efficient Retrofit of Typical Residential Building in Tianjin, China

School of Architecture,Tianjin University, Mainland China
School of Architecture,Tianjin University, Mainland China
Session 4.5: Performance Review of Green Buildings (2) (Level 2 - S222)
Session Chair:

Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Built Environment, University of New South Wales, Australia
Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Built Environment, University of New South Wales, Australia
The Importance of Understanding The Material Metabolism of The Built Environment

Lecturer in Architectural Engineering, The University of Sheffield, United Kingdom
Lecturer in Architectural Engineering, The University of Sheffield, United Kingdom
Net Environmental Loads of Mineral Admixtures and Portland Blended Cements

Marcella Ruschi SAADE
University of Campinas, Brazil
University of Campinas, Brazil
Embodied Energy and Global Warming Potential in Construction – Perspectives and Interpretations

Researcher, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany
Researcher, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany
Study of Human Embodied Energy for Masonry Work During Building Construction

Assistant Professor, Indian Institute of Technology Madras, India
Assistant Professor, Indian Institute of Technology Madras, India
The Life Cycle Cost-Energy Relationship Of Buildings

The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR
The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR
Session 4.6: Green Construction Technologies (1) (Level 2 - S223)
Session Chair:

Guillaume HABERT
Professor, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Professor, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Watering Type and Water Consuming Assessment of the Green Construction Fence in Taichung City, Taiwan

CHEN Chen-chun
Feng Chia University, Taiwan
Feng Chia University, Taiwan
Low Carbon Construction Implementation in a Public Housing Development and the Implication to the Life Cycle Decision Making Tool

Felix WONG Yat-hang
Senior Environmental Consultant, AECOM Asia Co. Ltd., Hong Kong SAR
Senior Environmental Consultant, AECOM Asia Co. Ltd., Hong Kong SAR
Use of Incineration Bottom Ash for Road Construction in Singapore

Kelvin LEE Yang-pin
Senior Technical Manager, Samwoh Innovation Centre, Singapore
Senior Technical Manager, Samwoh Innovation Centre, Singapore
Exploring the Relationships between Construction Phases and Sustainable Construction Principles

Olabode Emmanuel OGUNMAKINDE
University of Newcastle, Australia
University of Newcastle, Australia
Session 4.7: The Secret Ingredients of Sustainable Real Estate Development (Level 2 - S224 & S225)
Session Organiser: Swire Properties Ltd.
Session Chair:

Consultant, Swire Properties Ltd., Hong Kong SAR
Consultant, Swire Properties Ltd., Hong Kong SAR
Themes/Trends of Sustainable Urban Planning and Sustainable Built Environment

Christopher LAW
Founding Director, Oval Partnership, Hong Kong SAR
Founding Director, Oval Partnership, Hong Kong SAR
Ingredients of Sustainable Real Estate: Criteria, Transparency, Engagement

Head of Asia Pacific, GRESB, Singapore
Head of Asia Pacific, GRESB, Singapore
Climate Change and Sustainable Real Estate: The Environmental, Social, and Economic Implications

Swire Properties’ Approach to Sustainable Real Estate

Ir Dr Raymond YAU
General Manager, Technical Services & Sustainable Development, Swire Properties Ltd., Hong Kong SAR
General Manager, Technical Services & Sustainable Development, Swire Properties Ltd., Hong Kong SAR
Session 4.8: Innovative Biophilic Design for Wellbeing (Level 4 - S426 & S427)
Session Chair:

Julian BOTT
Partner, Cundall, Hong Kong SAR
Partner, Cundall, Hong Kong SAR
System Ecology as a Design Tool for Water Resources and its Environmental Education

DAY Yeong-tyi
Associate Professor, Chung Yuan Christian University, Taiwan
Associate Professor, Chung Yuan Christian University, Taiwan
Biophilia and Nature-based Features to Support Stress Reduction in Knowledge Workers

Conestoga College, Canada; Algonquin College, Canada
Conestoga College, Canada; Algonquin College, Canada
Pioneering “Comprehensive Urban Landscape Technology” (CULT): An Integrated System Model for Urban Sustainability as Community Amenity in a Compact Urban Environment

Thomas CHUNG Wang-leung
The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR
The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR
Foster a Healthy Community through Active Design & Biophilic Design

Executive Director, AECOM Asia Company Ltd., Mainland China
Executive Director, AECOM Asia Company Ltd., Mainland China
Session 4.9: A Collaborative Approach in Delivering Low Carbon Living (Level 2 - S228)
Session Organiser: Arup
Session Chair:

Associate & East Asia Energy Skill Leader, Arup, Hong Kong SAR
Associate & East Asia Energy Skill Leader, Arup, Hong Kong SAR
Beyond Energy and Resource Efficiency: Sustainable Building in Digital Transformation

Dr Vincent CHENG
Director of Building Sustainability, Arup, Hong Kong SAR
Director of Building Sustainability, Arup, Hong Kong SAR
Investing for Longer-term Development: Financing the New Generation in Sustainability

UBS Wealth Management, Head of Sustainable Investing, APAC Chief Investment Office, Hong Kong SAR
UBS Wealth Management, Head of Sustainable Investing, APAC Chief Investment Office, Hong Kong SAR
Creation of Green Neighbourhood

Edwin CHAN
Project Director, New World Development Company Ltd., Hong Kong SAR
Project Director, New World Development Company Ltd., Hong Kong SAR
Tall Buildings and Sustainability

Florence CHAN
Director, Kohn Pedersen Fox Associates PC, Hong Kong SAR
Director, Kohn Pedersen Fox Associates PC, Hong Kong SAR
Session 4.10: Transforming SBE Practices – Energy Management (3) (Level 4 - S425)
Session Chair:

Rutgers University, United States of America
Rutgers University, United States of America
Energy Data Transparency Benefits to Drive Down of Energy Consumption in A Green Hotel

Antonio CM CHAN
REC Engineering Co., Ltd., Hong Kong SAR
REC Engineering Co., Ltd., Hong Kong SAR
ACT-Shop – A Retro-commissioning Scheme for Existing Buildings in Hong Kong

Executive Director, Hong Kong Green Building Council Ltd., Hong Kong SAR
Executive Director, Hong Kong Green Building Council Ltd., Hong Kong SAR
Low-Carbon Building Environment Adaptation Countermeasures of Pingtung County

CHEN Ping-hung
Pingtung County Government, Taiwan
Pingtung County Government, Taiwan
Impact of Energy Recovery Ventilation on The Ventilation and CO2 Concentration in One Bedroom Condominium in Thailand

Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, Faculty of Architecture and Planning, Thammasat University, Thailand
Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, Faculty of Architecture and Planning, Thammasat University, Thailand

Senior Sustainable Designer, Magnolia Quality Development Corporation Ltd., Thailand
Senior Sustainable Designer, Magnolia Quality Development Corporation Ltd., Thailand
Session 4.11: BIM for Sustainability (2) (Level 4 - S421)
Session Chair:

Paul HO
Director, Professional Green Building Council, Hong Kong SAR
Director, Professional Green Building Council, Hong Kong SAR
Assessment of Different Data Collection Methods for the Creation of BIM Models for Existing Buildings

Bjoern Arild GODAGER
Assistant Professor, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway
Assistant Professor, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway
Boost Sustainability Certification by Using BIM

Zurich University of Applied Sciences ZHAW, Institute of Facility Management, Switzerland
Zurich University of Applied Sciences ZHAW, Institute of Facility Management, Switzerland
LCA Integration in BIM Through The Use of Integrated Dynamic Models

Civil Engineer, Burohappold Engineering, United Kingdom
Civil Engineer, Burohappold Engineering, United Kingdom
Visualising Embodied Impacts Using Building Information Modeling (BIM)

Martin RÖCK
Scientific Assistant, Working Group Sustainability Assessment - Institute of Technology and Testing of Building Materials - Graz University of Technology, Austria
Scientific Assistant, Working Group Sustainability Assessment - Institute of Technology and Testing of Building Materials - Graz University of Technology, Austria
Lifecycle Evaluation of Building Sustainability Using BIM

Assistant Professor, Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University, Mainland China
Assistant Professor, Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University, Mainland China
Session 4.12: Healthy Building, Human Comfort & Wellbeing (Level 4 - S423 & S424)
Session Chair:

Full Professor in Sustainable Building, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden
Full Professor in Sustainable Building, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden
Healthy Buildings & Energy Performance – A Balancing Act

Assistant Engineer of Building Sustainability, Arup, Hong Kong SAR
Assistant Engineer of Building Sustainability, Arup, Hong Kong SAR
Significance of Sky Gardens for Healthy High-rise Living of Urban Children and Old Adults

Tony IP
Deputy Director of Sustainable Design, Ronald Lu & Partners (Hong Kong) Ltd., Hong Kong SAR
Deputy Director of Sustainable Design, Ronald Lu & Partners (Hong Kong) Ltd., Hong Kong SAR
Radon Infiltration in Existing Rented Accommodation

Torben Valdbjørn RASMUSSEN
Senior Researcher, Danish Building Research Institute, Aalborg University, Denmark
Senior Researcher, Danish Building Research Institute, Aalborg University, Denmark
A Case Study on Industrial Building IEQ Control and Operation Performance Analysis

Green Building Engineer, BlueScope Building System (Xi'an) Co., Ltd., Mainland China
Green Building Engineer, BlueScope Building System (Xi'an) Co., Ltd., Mainland China
Research on the Strategies and Methods in Productive Green Renovation of Existing Urban Communities

DING Xiaoying
Tianjin University, Mainland China
Tianjin University, Mainland China
Session 4.13: Community Empowerment (2) (Level 2 - S226 & S227)
Session Chair:

LEUNG Man-kit
Director of Sustainable Design, Ronald Lu & Partners (Hong Kong) Limited, Hong Kong SAR
Director of Sustainable Design, Ronald Lu & Partners (Hong Kong) Limited, Hong Kong SAR
‘Pride the Citizens Action Factor for Resilient Sustainable Cities’Results of the 2016 Questionnaire Research Under Dutch Amsterdam Council Members

Researcher and Lecturer, Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands, The Netherlands
Researcher and Lecturer, Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands, The Netherlands
Enchance Public Sustainability Awareness by Feng Shui

Patrick LUI Yin-park
Senior Engineer, Cundall Hong Kong Ltd., Hong Kong SAR
Senior Engineer, Cundall Hong Kong Ltd., Hong Kong SAR
Social Sustainability

Stephen YIM
Chief Architect; Development & Standards, Hong Kong Housing Authority, Government of the HKSAR, Hong Kong SAR
Chief Architect; Development & Standards, Hong Kong Housing Authority, Government of the HKSAR, Hong Kong SAR
The Application of Social Innovation in Designing an Aged Care Centre in Malaysia

Thomas TANG Sek-khuen
Kuala Lumpur Centre for Sustainable Innovation, Malaysia
Kuala Lumpur Centre for Sustainable Innovation, Malaysia
Ritualized Place and Community Empower

Senior Lecturer, University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka
Senior Lecturer, University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka
Session 4.14: PolyU Green Deck : A Catalyst for a Green and Vibrant Community (Level 4 - S428)
Session Organiser: The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Session Chair:

Edwin CHAN
Professor, Department of Building and Real Estate, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong SAR
Professor, Department of Building and Real Estate, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong SAR
From Grey to Green

Alex LUI Chun-wan
Chairman, Green Deck Task Force, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong SAR
Chairman, Green Deck Task Force, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong SAR
Improving Neighbourhood Sustainability with Landscaping in the Context of Climate Change: A Case Study of the Proposed Green Deck in Hong Kong

Edwin CHAN
Professor, Department of Building and Real Estate, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong SAR
Professor, Department of Building and Real Estate, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong SAR
Noise Mitigation Potential of PolyU Green Deck Proposal

TANG Shiu-keung
Professor, Department of Building Services Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong SAR
Professor, Department of Building Services Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong SAR
Effect of Green Deck on Local Air Quality

LEE Shun-cheng
Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong SAR
Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong SAR
Proposed Green Deck Project: A Framework for Engaging Stakeholders

Esther YUNG Hiu-kwan
Assistant Professor, Department of Building and Real Estate, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong SAR
Assistant Professor, Department of Building and Real Estate, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong SAR
“Smart Green Resilient” Integrative Urban Environment

Wilfred LAU
Arup Fellow and Director, Arup, Hong Kong SAR
Arup Fellow and Director, Arup, Hong Kong SAR
Panel Discussion