Remark: The Organisers reserve the right to update or change the programme content, session and paper allocation without prior notice. Paper authors are recommended to check constantly the Conference Website to observe the latest programme and allocation of papers.
Opening Ceremony
Keynote 1: Mr Matthew CHEUNG Kin-chung, Chief Secretary for Administration, Government of the HKSAR
Topic: Building Hong Kong into a Sustainable and Liveable City
Topic: Building Hong Kong into a Sustainable and Liveable City
Keynote 2: Mr SU Yunshan, Director-General, Department of Science & Technology and Energy Saving on Buildings, Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, People’s Republic of China
Topic: The Retrospect and Prospect of the Development of Green Building in China
Topic: The Retrospect and Prospect of the Development of Green Building in China
Coffee Break
Keynote 3: Ms Christiana FIGUERES, Vice-chair, Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate & Energy
Topic: The Paris Agreement Meets the Future Where We Need to Be: In Cities that are Crowded, Clean and Connected, with Buildings that are Organic, Efficient and Resilient
Topic: The Paris Agreement Meets the Future Where We Need to Be: In Cities that are Crowded, Clean and Connected, with Buildings that are Organic, Efficient and Resilient
Platinum Sponsor's Sharing - Mr Sean CHIAO, President, Asia Pacific, AECOM
Topic: Why The World Needs Asia To Get It Right
Topic: Why The World Needs Asia To Get It Right
Networking Luncheon
Parallel Session 1
Session 1.1: Mainland China Session - The Comprehensive Scheme on Green Retrofitting and Performance Enhancement of Existing Buildings in China (Level 1 - Convention Hall)
Session Organiser: China Academy of Building Research
Session Chair:

Director, Division of Science and Technology, China Academy of Building Research
Director, Division of Science and Technology, China Academy of Building Research
The Roadmap on the Development of Comprehensive Scheme on Green Retrofitting and Performance Enhancement of Existing Buildings in China

Director, Division of Science and Technology, China Academy of Building Research
Director, Division of Science and Technology, China Academy of Building Research
The Appropriate Technologies and Practical Case Study on Green Retrofitting the Residential Dwellings in the Severe Cold Climatic Zone in China

JIANG Yiqiang
Professor, School of Municipal and Environmental Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology
Professor, School of Municipal and Environmental Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology
The Appropriate Technologies and Case Studies on Green Retrofitting the Healthcare Facilities in China

DI Yanqiang
Head of Division, Division of Construction Technologies, China Building Technique Group Co., Ltd.
Head of Division, Division of Construction Technologies, China Building Technique Group Co., Ltd.
The Case Studies and Technology Advancements on Green Retrofitting the Office Buildings in China

Deputy Head, Division of Research and Development, China Academy of Building Research
Deputy Head, Division of Research and Development, China Academy of Building Research
The Study of Energy Efficiency and Retro-Commissioning for Existing Large-scale Public Buildings

ZHU Neng
Professor, School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Tianjin University
Professor, School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Tianjin University
Session 1.2: Regional Session - Czech Republic, Italy, Sweden and Switzerland (Level 1 - Theatre 1)
Session Chair:

François BAILLON
Board member, SBE series; Senior Adviser, FIDIC; Treasurer, Business and Climate Summit Association; Founder, Ideagrama Consultant
Board member, SBE series; Senior Adviser, FIDIC; Treasurer, Business and Climate Summit Association; Founder, Ideagrama Consultant
SBE16 Prague

Czech Technical University in Prague, University Centre for Energy Efficient Buildings, Czech Republic
Czech Technical University in Prague, University Centre for Energy Efficient Buildings, Czech Republic
SBE16 Torino

Andrea MORO
President, iiSBE Italia, Italy
President, iiSBE Italia, Italy
SBE16 Malmö

Lund University, Sweden
Lund University, Sweden
SBE16 Zurich

Guillaume HABERT
Professor, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Professor, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Session 1.3: Advanced Building Elements (Level 1 - Theatre 2)
Session Chair:

Jian-lei NIU
Chair Professor of Building Environment and Energy, Associate Head of Department, and Director - Research Centre for Building Environmental Engineering Department of Building Services Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University; Editor-in-chief, Energy and Buildings Journal, Hong Kong SAR
Chair Professor of Building Environment and Energy, Associate Head of Department, and Director - Research Centre for Building Environmental Engineering Department of Building Services Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University; Editor-in-chief, Energy and Buildings Journal, Hong Kong SAR
Filter Facade

Ferdinand OSWALD
Institute of Architecture Technology, Graz University of Technology, Austria
Institute of Architecture Technology, Graz University of Technology, Austria
The Impact of Double Skin Façade on the Energy Consumption of Office Buildings under the Tropical Brazilian Climate

Kenneth IP
Principal Lecturer, University of Brighton, United Kingdom
Principal Lecturer, University of Brighton, United Kingdom
Climate-Adaptive and Optimized Building Envelope Designs in East Asia

Kevin WAN
Engineer, Arup, Hong Kong SAR
Engineer, Arup, Hong Kong SAR
Folded Cardboard Sandwiches for Load-bearing Architectural Components

Stephan SCHÜTZ
Research Assistant, Architect, Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, Germany
Research Assistant, Architect, Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, Germany
Multistorey Frame System for Energy Efficient Buildings

Vlastimil BILEK
ZPSV a.s., Uhersky Ostroh, Czech Republic
ZPSV a.s., Uhersky Ostroh, Czech Republic
Session 1.4: Practices Review of High-Performance Green Buildings (Level 2 - S221)
Session Chair:

Prof. Phil JONES
Chair Architectural Science, Welsh School of Architecture, Cardiff University, United Kingdom; Visiting Research Professor, Faculty of Architecture, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR
Chair Architectural Science, Welsh School of Architecture, Cardiff University, United Kingdom; Visiting Research Professor, Faculty of Architecture, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR
When will Hong Kong Build its First Passive House? - Concepts and Case Studies around Asia Show Great Possibilities for Energy Savings

Senior Expert, Sustainable Construction, BASF, Hong Kong SAR
Senior Expert, Sustainable Construction, BASF, Hong Kong SAR
Insights into Green Hotels: Case Studies

Principal, TURKECO Consulting, Turkey
Principal, TURKECO Consulting, Turkey
Building Energy Efficiency in Hong Kong: Case Study of a Commercial Building with BEAM Plus Provisional Platinum Rating (Existing Buildings)

POON Ka-man
Business Environment Council Ltd., Hong Kong SAR
Business Environment Council Ltd., Hong Kong SAR
Application of Elemental Embodied Carbon Prediction Model for Buildings

Srinath PERERA
Professor of Built Environment & Construction Management, Western Sydney University, Australia
Professor of Built Environment & Construction Management, Western Sydney University, Australia
Exploring Risks and Rewards Associated with High Performance Manufactured Buildings

Karlson Charles HARGROVES
Senior Research Fellow, Curtin University, Australia
Senior Research Fellow, Curtin University, Australia
Session 1.5: SBE Assessments - Green Neighbourhoods (1) (Level 4 - S428)
Session Chair:

John NG
Chairperson, BEAM Society Ltd., Honorary Professor, Department of Urban Planning and Design, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR
Chairperson, BEAM Society Ltd., Honorary Professor, Department of Urban Planning and Design, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR
LEED Certification and the New Standard of Sustainable Construction in Colombia

Architect, Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, Colombia
Architect, Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, Colombia
Comparison Study of China’s Eco-City Key Performance Indicator Systems

Assistant Professor, University of Nottingham Ningbo China, Mainland China
Assistant Professor, University of Nottingham Ningbo China, Mainland China
A Human-Oriented Study of The Assessment Method for Sustainable Urban District in China - Comparison of LEED Neighbourhood Development, BREEAM Community, CASBEE-Cities and DGNB Urban Districts

Edison ZHANG Zhidong
Director, GB Tech Consulting Ltd., Hong Kong SAR
Director, GB Tech Consulting Ltd., Hong Kong SAR
Reducing the Impacts of the Built environment on the Environment through the Integration of Socio-economic Indicators in Certification Standards

Francesco CAPPAI
Civil Engineer, GRIDD-ÉTS École de technologie supérieure, Canada
Civil Engineer, GRIDD-ÉTS École de technologie supérieure, Canada
Development of a Comprehensive City Assessment Tool Applicable to Various Type of Cities Around the World: CASBEE-City (worldwide use version)

Assistant Professor, Hosei University, Japan
Assistant Professor, Hosei University, Japan
Session 1.6: Innovations Driving for Greener Policies and Standards - Microclimate (Level 2 - S223)
Session Chair:

Chairman, ATAL Engineering Ltd., Hong Kong SAR
Chairman, ATAL Engineering Ltd., Hong Kong SAR
The Potential of Applying Local Climate Zone for the Sustainable Planning in Urban Built Environment

CHEN Yu-cheng
Department of Architecture, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
Department of Architecture, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
Building Envelopes and their Impact on Our Urban Thermal Environment

MAING Minjung
The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR
The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR
Urban Geometry and Wind Simulation Studies for Comfort in Bangkok Street Canyon

Pattaranan TAKKANON
Professor, Kasetsart University, Thailand
Professor, Kasetsart University, Thailand
Research of Urban Heat Island (UHI) in Shenzhen Based on Climatic Design and Urban Planning Strategies

YU Wenjuan
Sustainable Design Assistant, Ronald Lu and Partners (Hong Kong) Ltd., Hong Kong SAR
Sustainable Design Assistant, Ronald Lu and Partners (Hong Kong) Ltd., Hong Kong SAR
Influence of Moving Vehicles on Pollutant Dispersion in Street Canyon – A Numerical Study

ZHANG Wenjing
Division of Building Science and Technology, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR
Division of Building Science and Technology, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR
Session 1.7: Vision-led Sustainable Neighborhoods: Myths and Musts (Level 2 - S224 & S225)
Session Organiser: AECOM
Session Chair:

WONG Chi-chung
Executive Vice President, Asia; Global Head, Chinese Overseas Investment (COI) Program, AECOM, Hong Kong SAR
Executive Vice President, Asia; Global Head, Chinese Overseas Investment (COI) Program, AECOM, Hong Kong SAR

Albert KB CHAN
Director of Development Planning & Design, Shui On Land
Director of Development Planning & Design, Shui On Land

Dr Belinda YUEN
Professorial Fellow and Research Director, Lee Kuan Yew Centre for Innovative Cities, Singapore University of Technology and Design, Singapore
Professorial Fellow and Research Director, Lee Kuan Yew Centre for Innovative Cities, Singapore University of Technology and Design, Singapore

Principal and Director of Sustainable Development, Design and Planning, AECOM, United States of America
Principal and Director of Sustainable Development, Design and Planning, AECOM, United States of America

Raymond LEE
Director of Planning, Planning Department, Government of the HKSAR
Director of Planning, Planning Department, Government of the HKSAR
Session 1.8: Innovations for Occupant Wellbeing (1) (Level 4 - S426 & S427)
Session Chair:

Tony IP
Deputy Director of Sustainable Design, Ronald Lu & Partners (Hong Kong) Ltd., Hong Kong SAR
Deputy Director of Sustainable Design, Ronald Lu & Partners (Hong Kong) Ltd., Hong Kong SAR
Research and Development of Noise Mitigation Measures for Public Housing Development in Hong Kong

John HL HO
Chief Civil Engineer, Hong Kong Housing Authority, Government of the HKSAR, Hong Kong SAR
Chief Civil Engineer, Hong Kong Housing Authority, Government of the HKSAR, Hong Kong SAR
Estimating Typhoon Haiyan's Wind Speeds Using Windicators and Post-Storm Wind Vulnerability Analysis on the Affected Areas

Joshua AGAR
Civil Engineer, University of Philippines Diliman, Philippines
Civil Engineer, University of Philippines Diliman, Philippines
Outdoor Lighting Quality and Glare Rating Evaluation of Night-time Community Parks

KUO Poyen
Associate Professor, Department of Architecture, Chaoyang University of Technology, Taiwan
Associate Professor, Department of Architecture, Chaoyang University of Technology, Taiwan
Better Places for People: Health and Wellbeing Measurement Methods in Workplaces

Cristina Engel ALVAREZ
Professor/Coordinator, Laboratório de Planejamento e Projetos, Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, Brazil
Professor/Coordinator, Laboratório de Planejamento e Projetos, Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, Brazil
Development of a Home Indoor and Outdoor Environment Visualization System

Professor, Kogakuin University, Japan
Professor, Kogakuin University, Japan
Session 1.9: Practices & Methodologies for Green Building Management (1) (Level 2 - S228)
Session Chair:

WONG Wai-kwong
Chief Building Services Engineer/2, Architectural Services Department, Government of the HKSAR, Hong Kong SAR
Chief Building Services Engineer/2, Architectural Services Department, Government of the HKSAR, Hong Kong SAR
Incorporating Sustainability Criteria in Commercial Workplace Fit-out Guidelines for a Banking Operation

James WONG Pow-chew
Program Manager, RMIT University, Australia
Program Manager, RMIT University, Australia
Adopting Green Building Concepts in Housing Estate Development Projects in Abuja F.C.T., Nigeria: Exploring The Potentialities Of End-Users’ Preferences.

Salisu Gidado DALIBI
Business School of Hohai University Nanjing, Mainland China
Business School of Hohai University Nanjing, Mainland China
Project Management Strategies for Green Business Parks: Critical Success Factors, Barriers and Solutions

Research Fellow, National University of Singapore, Singapore
Research Fellow, National University of Singapore, Singapore
Smart, Green + Productive Workplace

JLL, Canada
JLL, Canada
Session 1.10: Green Infrastructure in SBE - Hong Kong Cases (Level 4 - S423 & S424)
Session Chair:

Samuel KWONG
John Swire & Sons HK Ltd, Hong Kong SAR
John Swire & Sons HK Ltd, Hong Kong SAR
Implementing the Beautification and Sustainable Designs for the Harbour Area Treatment Scheme (HATS) Stage 2A

Andrew LAI
Resident Engineer, Arup, Hong Kong SAR
Resident Engineer, Arup, Hong Kong SAR
Building Water Resilience in Sustainable Neighbourhoods: A Progressive Shift in Hong Kong

Edmond WF LIU
Senior Engineer, Water Supplies Department, Government of the HKSAR, Hong Kong SAR
Senior Engineer, Water Supplies Department, Government of the HKSAR, Hong Kong SAR
Integrating Water Management Facilities into The Built Environment - A Smart Green Resilient Approach

Kenneth KWOK
Associate Director, Arup, Hong Kong SAR
Associate Director, Arup, Hong Kong SAR
Driving Innovations For Green Infrastructure Components

Nicholas AU
Hong Kong Housing Authority, Government of the HKSAR, Hong Kong SAR
Hong Kong Housing Authority, Government of the HKSAR, Hong Kong SAR
Sustainable Engineering Practices in Landslip Prevention and Mitigation Works in Hong Kong

Patrick HO Ho-man
Geotechnical Engineer, Civil Engineering and Development Department, Government of the HKSAR, Hong Kong SAR
Geotechnical Engineer, Civil Engineering and Development Department, Government of the HKSAR, Hong Kong SAR
Session 1.11: Processes, Design, Tools and Methodologies in SBE (1) (Level 4 - S421)
Session Chair:

Chimay J. ANUMBA
Dean & Professor, University of Florida, United States of America
Dean & Professor, University of Florida, United States of America
Does the Sequence Matter? - Investigating the Impact of the Order of Design Decisions on the Life Cycle Performance

Researcher, Bauhaus-University Weimar, Germany
Researcher, Bauhaus-University Weimar, Germany
Rethinking Architectural Passive Cooling Strategies in New Zealand’s Non-residential Building Stock

Doctoral Candidate, School of Architecture, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
Doctoral Candidate, School of Architecture, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
Building in Existing Contexts – Densification

Associate Professor, Associate Chair, Department of Architectural Science, Ryerson University, Canada
Associate Professor, Associate Chair, Department of Architectural Science, Ryerson University, Canada
Problems and Prospects of Urban Compaction–A Case of Jaipur City

Urban Planner, Malaviya National Institute of Technology Jaipur, India
Urban Planner, Malaviya National Institute of Technology Jaipur, India
Where Planning Regulations and Development Practice Collide; the Multi-storey Apartment Building in SubTropical Brisbane Australia

Rosemary Jean KENNEDY
Queensland University of Technology, Australia
Queensland University of Technology, Australia
Session 1.12: Regenerating Urban Space in Neighbourhoods (Level 4 - S425)
Session Chair:

Thomas TANG Sek-khuen
Kuala Lumpur Centre for Sustainable Innovation, Malaysia
Kuala Lumpur Centre for Sustainable Innovation, Malaysia
Cultivating a Village Impulse in the Midst of Warsaw, the Jazdów Settlement of Finnish Houses

Senior Lecturer, Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw, Poland
Senior Lecturer, Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw, Poland
Productive Transforming of the Urban Traffic Space

Tianjin University, Mainland China
Tianjin University, Mainland China
Nature-based Urban Space Transformation

Kristin BARBEY
Lecturer, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany
Lecturer, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany
Historic Relationship Between Urban Dwellers and the Tomebamba River

M. Augusta HERMIDA
Professor, Universidad de Cuenca, Ecuador
Professor, Universidad de Cuenca, Ecuador
Transformation from River Channelisation to River Revitalisation

Richard LEUNG Wah-ming
Senior Engineer, Drainage Services Department, Government of the HKSAR, Hong Kong SAR
Senior Engineer, Drainage Services Department, Government of the HKSAR, Hong Kong SAR
Session 1.13: Healthy and Sustainable Building for Resilient Future (Level 2 - S226 & S227)
Session Organiser: Link Asset Management Ltd. / Nan Fung Development Ltd
Session Chair:

Chris KWAN
Senior Project Manager, Project & Planning, Link Asset Management Ltd., Hong Kong SAR
Senior Project Manager, Project & Planning, Link Asset Management Ltd., Hong Kong SAR
Green Buildings - The Foundation for Sustainable Development

Calvin Lee KWAN
General Manager- Sustainability, Link Asset Management Ltd., Hong Kong SAR
General Manager- Sustainability, Link Asset Management Ltd., Hong Kong SAR
Nan Fung's Corporate Initiative for New and Revitalization Development

Samuel WONG
Deputy General Manager, Project Dpt., Nan Fung Development Ltd., Hong Kong SAR
Deputy General Manager, Project Dpt., Nan Fung Development Ltd., Hong Kong SAR
Leading Edge Trend for Resilient Future Building Design

Dr Vincent CHENG
Director of Building Sustainability, Arup, Hong Kong SAR
Director of Building Sustainability, Arup, Hong Kong SAR
Exemplar Next Generation Commercial Development - NKIL6512

Director, P&T Architects and Engineers Ltd., Hong Kong SAR
Director, P&T Architects and Engineers Ltd., Hong Kong SAR

Alvin LO
Associate Director of Building Sustainability, Arup, Hong Kong SAR
Associate Director of Building Sustainability, Arup, Hong Kong SAR
Coffee Break
Roundtable 1: Emerging Perspectives for Transforming the Built Environment
Session Chair: Prof. Thomas LÜTZKENDORF, Director, Centre for Real Estate; Head of Chair, Sustainable Management of Housing and Real Estate, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany
Session Chair: Prof. Thomas LÜTZKENDORF, Director, Centre for Real Estate; Head of Chair, Sustainable Management of Housing and Real Estate, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany
- Ar. TAI Lee-siang, Chair, WorldGBC
Topic: Winning the Battle Against Climate Change - Prof. WANG Youwei, Chairman, China Green Building Council
- Prof. Arno SCHLUETER, Professor, Architecture and Building Systems ETH Zurich; Principal Investigator, Future Cities Laboratory, Singapore ETH Centre
- Ar. Bryant LU, Vice Chairman, Ronald Lu and Partners (Hong Kong) Ltd., Hong Kong SAR
Parallel Session 2
Session 2.1: Mainland China Session - Green Building Design and Technological Challenges of Eco Skyscraper in China (Level 1 - Convention Hall) (Level 1 - Convention Hall)
Session Organiser: Shanghai Research Institute of Building Sciences
Session Chair:

XU Qiang
Chief Engineer, Shanghai Research Institute of Building Sciences (Group) Co., Ltd.
Chief Engineer, Shanghai Research Institute of Building Sciences (Group) Co., Ltd.
Evaluation of Green Skyscraper Buildings in China

Deputy Director, Center for Science and Technology & Industrialization Development, Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of the P.R. China (MOHURD)
Deputy Director, Center for Science and Technology & Industrialization Development, Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of the P.R. China (MOHURD)
Energy Saving Potential of Air-conditioning System with Low-Grade Energy Bus in Skyscrapers

LI Xianting
Professor, School of Architecture, Tsinghua University
Professor, School of Architecture, Tsinghua University
In Pursuit of Excellence: Sustainable High-performance Skyscrapers

Director, East China Architectural Design and Research Institute
Director, East China Architectural Design and Research Institute
Green Design and Facility Management Systems in Shanghai Tower

YANG Jianrong
Deputy Director, Shanghai Research Institute of Building Sciences (SRIBS)
Deputy Director, Shanghai Research Institute of Building Sciences (SRIBS)
Session 2.2: Regional Session – Turkey, Greece, Malta and Egypt (Level 1 - Theatre 1)
Session Chair:

Secretary General, International Council for Research and Innovation in Building and Construction
Secretary General, International Council for Research and Innovation in Building and Construction
SBE16 Istanbul

Secretary General, Türkiye İMSAD- Association of Turkish Construction Material Producers
Secretary General, Türkiye İMSAD- Association of Turkish Construction Material Producers
SBE16 Thessaloniki

Associate Professor, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Associate Professor, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
SBE16 Malta

Ruben Paul BORG
University of Malta
University of Malta
SBE16 Cairo

Architecture Program, German University Cairo, Egypt
Architecture Program, German University Cairo, Egypt
Session 2.3: Advanced Building Systems (Level 1 - Theatre 2)
Session Chair:

Lloyd Martin SCOTT
Dublin Institute of Technology, Ireland
Dublin Institute of Technology, Ireland
Remarkable Energy Retrofit for Existing Buildings by Advanced Fan Technology: Electronically Commutated Motor Plug Fan

Isaac TSANG Siu-chung
Assistant Building Services Manager, Swire Properties Ltd., Hong Kong SAR
Assistant Building Services Manager, Swire Properties Ltd., Hong Kong SAR
Low Temperature Radiant Cooling Design and Application in Tropical/ Sub-Tropical Countries

Paul CHAN Yim-cheong
Director, Wong & Ouyang (Building Services) Ltd., Hong Kong SAR
Director, Wong & Ouyang (Building Services) Ltd., Hong Kong SAR
Hybrid Air-conditioning System Efficiency for Districts in the Tropics

HSIEH Shanshan
Future Cities Laboratory, Singapore ETH Center, Singapore; Chair of Architecture and Building Systems, ETH Zurich, Switzerland; Industrial Process and Energy Systems Engineering Group, Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne, Switzerland
Future Cities Laboratory, Singapore ETH Center, Singapore; Chair of Architecture and Building Systems, ETH Zurich, Switzerland; Industrial Process and Energy Systems Engineering Group, Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne, Switzerland
Evaluation of Saving Energy with SOFC and Battery Combined System

Takeshi SASE
Cooperative Researcher, Building Research Institute, Japan
Cooperative Researcher, Building Research Institute, Japan
Session 2.4: Policies for High-Performance Green Buildings (1) (Level 2 - S221)
Session Chair:

Richard LORCH
Demystifying and Democratizing The Energy Use Conversation to Support The Net-Zero Challenge

Birgit SIBER
Diamond Schmitt Architects, Canada
Diamond Schmitt Architects, Canada

Rowan Williams Davies & Irwin Inc.
Rowan Williams Davies & Irwin Inc.
Building Energy Saving Strategy in Hong Kong - "Built-in" + "Plug-in"

CHIU Chun-ting
Electrical and Mechanical Services Department, Government of the HKSAR, Hong Kong SAR
Electrical and Mechanical Services Department, Government of the HKSAR, Hong Kong SAR
How Sustainable Are the Quality Control Procedures for Constructions in Europe?

Senior Researcher, TU Delft / Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment, The Netherlands
Senior Researcher, TU Delft / Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment, The Netherlands
Policy Scenarios of Zero Carbon Building for Hong Kong: To Survive or To Lead?

The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR
The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR
A Discussion on the Benefits of Environment Performance of the Promotion of Kaohsiung Green Building Specialties Policy

CHAO Chien-chiao
Director General, Bureau of Public Works, Kaohsiung City Government, Taiwan
Director General, Bureau of Public Works, Kaohsiung City Government, Taiwan
Session 2.5: SBE Assessments – Green Neighbourhoods (2) (Level 2 - S222)
Session Chair:

John NG
Chairperson, BEAM Society Ltd., Honorary Professor, Department of Urban Planning and Design, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR
Chairperson, BEAM Society Ltd., Honorary Professor, Department of Urban Planning and Design, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR
Value Management as a Tool for Delivering Sustainable Rail Projects

Clinton Ohis AIGBAVBOA
University of Johannesburg, South Africa
University of Johannesburg, South Africa
Calculation Methodology of GHG Emissions from a Low Carbon Urban Development in an Underdevelopment Country – Case Study from a LEED ND Certified project in São Paulo City/Brazil.

Maria Carolina FUJIHARA
University of São Paulo, Brazil
University of São Paulo, Brazil
A Stakeholder-based Assessment Model (SAM) for Resource-efficiency Measures in the Construction Industry

Richard Carl MÜLLER
Research Assoicate, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany; Institute for Industrial Production, Germany
Research Assoicate, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany; Institute for Industrial Production, Germany
Comparative Rich-Picture-Diagram for Assessment of Building Sustainability Labels

Sasha Nikolaus CISAR
Chair of Sustainable Construction, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Chair of Sustainable Construction, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
More Than Green: The DGNB Certification System for Sustainable Buildings and Districts

Prof. Thomas AUER
Managing Director & Founder, Transsolar; Professor, Building Technology and Climate Responsive Design, Technical University of Munich, Germany
Managing Director & Founder, Transsolar; Professor, Building Technology and Climate Responsive Design, Technical University of Munich, Germany
Session 2.6: Innovations Driving for Greener Policies and Standards – Carbon Assessment (Level 2 - S223)
Session Chair:

Chairman, ATAL Engineering Ltd., Hong Kong SAR
Chairman, ATAL Engineering Ltd., Hong Kong SAR
Building Carbon Footprint (BCF) Method for Nearly Zero-Energy Building Design Assessment

CHAO Yu-chan
Assistant Professor, Feng Chia University, Taiwan
Assistant Professor, Feng Chia University, Taiwan
Integrated Residential Household Energy Consumption and GHG Emissions Modelling at Metropolitan Scale

Melbourne School of Design, University of Melbourne, Australia
Melbourne School of Design, University of Melbourne, Australia
Building Life Cycle Carbon Emissions: A Review

The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR
The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR
How Carbon Metric Standard Could Facilitate Innovation for Reduction of GHG Emission from Buildings?

Tomonari YASHIRO
The University of Tokyo, Japan
The University of Tokyo, Japan
Climate Action Planning Strategies for Achieving Carbon Neutrality and Net Zero Campus Operation

Director of Sustainability & Energy, Legat Architects, United States of America
Director of Sustainability & Energy, Legat Architects, United States of America
Session 2.7: Deep Energy Saving and Other Innovative Green Measures for Commercial Buildings in Hong Kong, Mainland China and Overseas (Level 2 - S224 & S225)
Session Organiser: Swire Properties Ltd.
Session Chair:

Benny AU
Sustainable Development Manager, Swire Properties Ltd., Hong Kong SAR
Sustainable Development Manager, Swire Properties Ltd., Hong Kong SAR
Sustainability Strategies on Deep Energy Saving and Energy Management of Property Developer

Ir Dr Raymond YAU
General Manager, Technical Services & Sustainable Development, Swire Properties Ltd., Hong Kong SAR
General Manager, Technical Services & Sustainable Development, Swire Properties Ltd., Hong Kong SAR
Overview of Building Energy Efficiency in China and the Upcoming Trend

Dr WEI Qingpeng
Building Energy Research Center, Tsinghua University, Beijing
Building Energy Research Center, Tsinghua University, Beijing
Cost & Value: Multiple Benefits of Green Commercial Buildings in Western Countries

Prof. Phil JONES
Chair Architectural Science, Welsh School of Architecture, Cardiff University, United Kingdom; Visiting Research Professor, Faculty of Architecture, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR
Chair Architectural Science, Welsh School of Architecture, Cardiff University, United Kingdom; Visiting Research Professor, Faculty of Architecture, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR
YKK80 High Efficiency Building - Radiant Control Both Outside and Inside

General Manager, M&E Design Department of NIKKEN SEKKEI, Japan
General Manager, M&E Design Department of NIKKEN SEKKEI, Japan
Performance Synergy from Integrated Design, Construction and Operation. Case Study on a High Performance Grade A Office - Swire One Taikoo Place

Dr Vincent CHENG
Director of Building Sustainability, Arup, Hong Kong SAR
Director of Building Sustainability, Arup, Hong Kong SAR
Session 2.8: Innovations for Occupant Wellbeing (2) (Level 4 - S426 & S427)
Session Chair:

Srinath PERERA
Professor of Built Environment & Construction Management, Western Sydney University, Australia
Professor of Built Environment & Construction Management, Western Sydney University, Australia
Outdoor to Indoor Air Quality in Urban Environment

Alexis LAU Kai-hon
Professor, Division of Environment, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong SAR
Professor, Division of Environment, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong SAR
Redesigning Long-Term Senior Care: Design Solutions to Facilitate Different Levels of Care Needs in Senior Housing - Using Hong Kong's Latest Senior Housing as Example

Ar. Bryant LU
Vice Chairman, Ronald Lu and Partners (Hong Kong) Ltd., Hong Kong SAR
Vice Chairman, Ronald Lu and Partners (Hong Kong) Ltd., Hong Kong SAR
Occupant-Related Energy Use: a Qatar Office Case Study

Chimay J. ANUMBA
Dean & Professor, University of Florida, United States of America
Dean & Professor, University of Florida, United States of America
Purifying City Air in Densely Urban Environment

Associate & East Asia Energy Skill Leader, Arup, Hong Kong SAR
Associate & East Asia Energy Skill Leader, Arup, Hong Kong SAR
A Healthy and Sustainable Living Environment – LOHAS

Building Sustainability Consultant, Arup, Taiwan
Building Sustainability Consultant, Arup, Taiwan
Session 2.9: Practices & Methodologies for Green Building Management (2) (Level 2 - S228)
Session Chair:

POON Chi-sun
Chair Professor of Sustainable Construction Materials, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong SAR
Chair Professor of Sustainable Construction Materials, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong SAR
Green + Smart Buildings

Managing Director, JLL, Canada; 2030 Districts
Managing Director, JLL, Canada; 2030 Districts
Challenges in Realizing Green Building Concepts in Trade and Industry Tower

Joanna WAI
Senior Project Manager, Architectural Services Department, Government of the HKSAR, Hong Kong SAR
Senior Project Manager, Architectural Services Department, Government of the HKSAR, Hong Kong SAR
Daniel NG
Contract Manager, Guardian Property Management Limited, Hong Kong SAR
Contract Manager, Guardian Property Management Limited, Hong Kong SAR
The Perceptible Impacts of Building Envelope on Other Green Building Features: “A Review”

Salisu Gidado DALIBI
Business School of Hohai University Nanjing, Mainland China
Business School of Hohai University Nanjing, Mainland China
Investigating Critical Safety Performance Factors in Green Building Construction Projects: The Case of Singapore

Research Fellow, National University of Singapore, Singapore
Research Fellow, National University of Singapore, Singapore
Green Interior Renovation by Architectural Services Department

Vetus LAU
Director, Llewelyn Davies Hong Kong Ltd., Hong Kong SAR
Director, Llewelyn Davies Hong Kong Ltd., Hong Kong SAR
Session 2.10: Transforming SBE Practices – Energy Management (1) (Level 4 - S423 & S424)
Session Chair:

Research Director, Eco-business Research, Singapore
Research Director, Eco-business Research, Singapore
Development of an Integrated Energy Simulation Tool for Buildings and MEP Systems, the BEST - A Pilot Study on Simulation of Demand Response with Cogeneration Systems

Acting General Manager, Energy Strategy Planning Department, Tokyo Gas Co., Ltd., Japan
Acting General Manager, Energy Strategy Planning Department, Tokyo Gas Co., Ltd., Japan
Driving Ultimate Building Performance through Smart E&M Systems for Sustainable Built Environment

CHAN Yiu-hon
Senior Engineer, Electrical and Mechanical Services Department, Government of the HKSAR, Hong Kong SAR
Senior Engineer, Electrical and Mechanical Services Department, Government of the HKSAR, Hong Kong SAR
A Case Study to Automate Demand Response on a University Campus

Thomas Mark LAWRENCE
University of Georgia, United States of America
University of Georgia, United States of America
Short-term Load Forecasting Model with Predicted Weather Data

ZHU Guangya
City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR
City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR
Session 2.11: Processes, Design, Tools and Methodologies in SBE (2) (Level 4 - S421)
Session Chair:

Andrea MORO
President, iiSBE Italia, Italy
President, iiSBE Italia, Italy
Decision Making in the Pre-design Stage of Building Renovation Projects

Aalborg University, Denmark; University College of Northern Denmark, Denmark
Aalborg University, Denmark; University College of Northern Denmark, Denmark
A Holistic Thriving Design Approach

Dennis LEE
Managing Director, ARCHITECTURE:INNOVATIV Ltd., Hong Kong SAR
Managing Director, ARCHITECTURE:INNOVATIV Ltd., Hong Kong SAR
Fostering Sustainable Buildings in Indonesia by Foreign Developer for Resilience

Dennis MUI Heung-fu
(former) Assistant Project Director, Pacific Century Premium Developments Ltd., Hong Kong SAR
(former) Assistant Project Director, Pacific Century Premium Developments Ltd., Hong Kong SAR
Reconsidering the Design of High-rise Mass Housing in Tropical Climates – A Case Study in Malaysia

GAN Hock-beng
G&A Architect, Malaysia
G&A Architect, Malaysia

FOO Chee-hung
Researcher, Construction Research Institute of Malaysia, Malaysia
Researcher, Construction Research Institute of Malaysia, Malaysia
Embodied Energy Versus Building Height, The “Premium” of Building Tall

Rolf André BOHNE
The Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway
The Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway
Session 2.12: Process of Urban Regeneration (Level 4 - S425)
Session Chair:

Shirlee ALGRIE
Executive Manager, Sustainability, The Hong Kong Jockey Club
Executive Manager, Sustainability, The Hong Kong Jockey Club
Energy Benchmarking Tool for Low-Carbon Transformation in Hong Kong: A Scientific Approach and Its Practical Applications

Director, Hong Kong Green Building Council Ltd., Hong Kong SAR
Director, Hong Kong Green Building Council Ltd., Hong Kong SAR
Sustainability Assessment of Energy Systems - German Experience

Institute of Sustainable Management of Housing and Real Estate (OEW), Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany
Institute of Sustainable Management of Housing and Real Estate (OEW), Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany
Creating Methods, Procedures and Tools for a More Sustainable Neighbourhood Development – Experiences from Germany

Researcher, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany
Researcher, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany
How Can We Assess the Achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals? – A Review of Indicators and Their Application at the City Level

Lund University, Sweden
Lund University, Sweden
Session 2.13: Powering Up Smart City (Level 2 - S226 & S227)
Session Organiser: CLP Power Hong Kong Ltd.
Powering Up for Brighter Tomorrows

Senior Director – Customer & Business Development, CLP Power (Hong Kong) Ltd., Hong Kong SAR
Senior Director – Customer & Business Development, CLP Power (Hong Kong) Ltd., Hong Kong SAR
Big Data Era for Building Management

General Manager, Technical Services, Airport Authority Hong Kong
General Manager, Technical Services, Airport Authority Hong Kong
Smart Power Control for Peak Load Compensation
Clement WONG
Head of Facility Management Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation
Head of Facility Management Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation
How Hong Kong to be a Data Centre Hub in Asia in the Next Decade

Charles LEE
Founder and CEO OneAsia Network Limited & Newtech Technology Co Ltd.
Founder and CEO OneAsia Network Limited & Newtech Technology Co Ltd.
Session 2.14: Sustainability Assessment of Buildings as Part of Green-Public Procurement Based on the German BNB-System (Level 4 - S428)
Session Organiser: Division Sustainable Building, Federal Institute for Research on Building, Urban Affairs and Spatial Development (BBSR), Germany
Session Chair:

Director, Centre for Real Estate; Head of Chair, Sustainable Management of Housing and Real Estate, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany
Director, Centre for Real Estate; Head of Chair, Sustainable Management of Housing and Real Estate, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany
The Assessment System for Sustainable Building BNB by Taking the Example of the Complete Refurbishment BNB Module for Educational Buildings

Federal Institute for Research on Building, Urban Affairs and Spatial Development (BBSR), Germany
Federal Institute for Research on Building, Urban Affairs and Spatial Development (BBSR), Germany
Sustainable Building Assessment System for Research- and Laboratory buildings - Austrian and Swiss Perspective on the BNB Applicability

Alexander PASSER
Assistant Professor, Graz University of Technology, Austria
Assistant Professor, Graz University of Technology, Austria
Natural Resources and Sustainability

Ziegert Roswag Seiler Architekten
Ziegert Roswag Seiler Architekten
PL·E·N·AR Planning Aid for Energy Efficient and Sustainable Architecture

sol·id·ar planungswerkstatt, Germany
sol·id·ar planungswerkstatt, Germany
Panel Discussion