Oral Presentation Guidelines
All slides must be prepared in Microsoft PowerPoint in 4:3 ratio.
The duration of each oral presentation is 15 mins.
The PowerPoint template can be downloaded at WSBE17 Hong Kong PowerPoint template.
Kindly limit your company/organisation logo to the first slide. Kindly refrain from including information regarding your company/organisation (within the slides and during the talk) that may be construed as a sales pitch.
Dark coloured fonts are recommended. Refrain from using red, green or light coloured fonts as they may be difficult to see from the back of the room. Recommended font size: 36-48 points for titles; 18-24 points for body text.
Video files (if any) must be in WMV format.
Kindly submit your slide deck to the WSBE17 Hong Kong Secretariat by 28 April 2017.
- For file size less than 8 MB, please email it to: submission@wsbe17hongkong.hk.
- For file size more than 8MB, please upload it at SendSpace:
- Kindly bring along a copy of your final slide deck to the Conference in a thumbdrive as backup after the submission.
Poster Presentation Guidelines
All posters must be prepared in the following size and format:
Poster Size: A0 size - 841mm(w) x 1189mm(h); please leave 10mm margin
Format required: ai or pdf format (minimum 72 dpi)
Kindly submit your slide deck to the WSBE17 Hong Kong Secretariat by 7 April 2017.
For file size less than 8 MB, please email it to: submission@wsbe17hongkong.hk
For file size more than 8 MB, please upload it at SendSpace:
For enquiries, please contact the WSBE17 Hong Kong Secretariat at submission@wsbe17hongkong.hk.
Full Paper Submission [Closed]
Full paper submission was closed and notification of acceptance was announced by 31 Dec 2016.
Full paper submission is managed through the ConfTool system, please register and login to the online submission system.
Please submit the full paper by 30 Sep 2016.
All paper submission should follow the format as per the guidelines.
Paper template can be downloaded here.
Notification of acceptance/rejection will be announced by 31 Dec 2016.
Successful authors will be provided with specific instructions in relation to their presentation time, duration, format, etc.
All full papers will undergo a double blind peer review process by the International Scientific Review Panel, who will also decide the acceptance for oral or poster presentation.
Accepted papers of the World Sustainable Built Environment Conference 2017 Hong Kong (WSBE17 Hong Kong) will gain global exposure and have a chance to get presented to over 1,800 top-notch industry professionals, policy makers and academia at the Conference. Moreover, selected top papers could be published on special issues of renowned international journals such as the Energy and Buildings, Indoor and Built Environment and Building Research & Information!
Each presentation of accepted paper shall come with one conference registration.
Abstract Submission [Closed]
- Abstract should be in English with no more than 300 words. The abstract should give reviewers concise information about the content of your paper.
- All abstract submission should follow the format of the guidelines. Please read the Instruction and Guidelines for Submission.
- The deadline of abstract submission is 30 Jun 2016.
- Notification of acceptance/rejection will be issued by 5 Aug 2016. Information for the preparation of full paper will be sent to the authors of accepted abstract together with the notification email.
Please click here for the Simplified Chinese Version of the flyer.
Key Dates
22 Feb 2016
Open Call for Papers
30 Jun 2016
Deadline for abstract submission
5 Aug 2016
Notification of abstract acceptance
30 Sep 2016
Deadline for full papers submission
• All accepted papers will be published in online proceedings with an ISBN
• The most noteworthy papers may be recommended for publication in special issues of technical journals partners with WSBE17 Hong Kong
31 Dec 2016
Notification of full paper acceptance
• Accepted papers will be presented in either oral or poster sessions